ACCU 2022 Schedule

The schedule is subject to change without notice until 2022-04-09.

Thursday 2022-04-07

Bristol 1 Bristol 2 Bristol 3 Empire SS Great Britain


Diversity Is Too Important to Be Left to Women

Hannah Dee
(Slides) / (Video)




C++20 – My Favourite Code Examples

Nicolai Josuttis
(Slides) / (Video)

C++ in the World of Embedded Systems

Vladimir Vishnevskii
(Slides) / (Video)

Software for Future

Jutta Eckstein
(Slides) /

Fun With Type Erasure

Pavel Novikov
(Slides) / (Video)

Structured Networking

Dietmar Kühl
(Slides) / (Video)




The Power of Clean Code

Geoffray Adde & Olivier Gaudin
(Slides) / (Video)




Learning from C++ Juniors’ Mistakes - A case study of coding by example

Amir Kirsh
(Slides) / (Video)


Björn Fahller
(Slides) / (Video)

Remote Is a Four Letter Word

Dom Davis

Why It’s Good to Be A Software Manager

Jim Pascoe
(Slides) / (Video)

C++ Const Correctness Refresher

Vladimir Vishnevskii
(Slides) / (Video)

Properties & Bindings for Modern C++

James Turner
(Slides) / (Video)

Measuring the Overhead of iostreams - What Is the Difference?

Ahto Truu
(Slides) / (Video)

Example Mapping – theory and practice

Seb Rose
(Slides) / (Video)

DevSecOps – by any other name

Seb Rose
(Slides) / (Video)

It’s Only Pasta - a Few Tips on Software Architecture to Avoid Spaghetti Code

Lucian Radu Teodorescu
(Slides) / (Video)

+The Hip Approach to Safeguarding your Users

Charles Weir
(Slides) / (Video)

Remove This Idiom

Victor Ciura
(Slides) / (Video)

Finding ODR Violations with ORC

Foster Brereton & Lee Thomason
(Slides) / (Video)

How I Teach Modern C++ One Pixel at a Time

Mike Shah
(Slides) / (Video)




How Code Fails in the Real World

James Turner
(Slides) / (Video)

C# Values and Value Types

Steve Love
(Slides) / (Video)

A Year In A Rainforest - Engineering For Survival

Matthew Dodkins

Sandboxing a Linux Application

Martin Ertsås
(Slides) / (Video)

Deliberate Architecture

Robert Smallshire




Lightning Talks

Presenter Pete Goodliffe

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