Membership Information

The Benefits of ACCU Membership

Be part of an inclusive, egalitarian group of programmers who care about their craft, sharing knowledge, continually learning, and generally seeking Professionalism in Programming.

  • World Class Conference: The ACCU Spring Conference is well known and respected in the C++ world, with a wide ranging programme, and attracting prestigious speakers. Attendees can brush up on skills in the pre-conference tutorials, and immerse themselves in the informal and friendly atmosphere. Discounted rates for members.

  • Printed Journals: ACCU produces two magazines, alternating monthly, with content written by our members. C Vu is the member’s magazine, and Overload is more technical with peer reviewed articles. Available as paper copy or via the website. Indexed archives are available on the website.

  • Email Discussion Lists: Very high signal to noise email lists. Accu-general is the most popular and will usually generate a same day response to specific technical, or general, questions. Ask or discuss anything from the most basic to complex template meta-programming.

  • Local Groups: Set up and run by ACCU members in their local area. Usually monthly, meetings include guest speakers and social events. Local Groups exist in Bristol & Bath, Cambridge, London, Oxford, York, and San Francisco.

  • Book Reviews: Technical books reviewed by our members. Reviews are published in C Vu, and an archive is available on the website. We also have an essential books wiki.

  • Social Media: Find us on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Github, Flikr, and Youtube for session recordings from our conferences. We also provide a blog agregator for members.

  • Personal Development: Any member can start a learning project. In the past we have had study groups and mentored development projects. Some members help at their local code clubs.

Click here for more information: About ACCU.

To join, continue here. (This will redirect you to the old ACCU web site.)

Types and Cost of Membership

The ACCU offers 2 types of yearly membership: Individual and Corporate, with a concessionary rate for students, retirees or the unemployed.

  • Regular Individual ACCU Memberships include subscription to the ACCU journals (C Vu and Overload) and full access to website facilities including the journal archives.

    • Full Individual Membership: £45.00/year.

    • Basic Individual Membership: £32.00/year. This is similar to Full Individual Membership except that the subscription to the ACCU journals does not include printed copies of Overload.

  • Concessionary Student, Unemployed, and Retiree Individual ACCU Memberships are available to individuals providing proof of full-time education, unemployment, or retirement. Individuals requesting a concessionary membership are required to submit appropriate documentation to the Membership Secretary. Concessionary memberships include the same benefits as their regular membership counterparts.

    • Concessionary Full Individual Membership: £22.50/year.

    • Concessionary Basic Individual Membership: £16/year.

  • Corporate ACCU membership is for any size of organisation with single or multiple sites and includes subscription for a minimum of 5 copies of the ACCU journals (C Vu and Overload), full access to the website facilities, and discounted rates for the conferences.

    • Single site Corporate Membership: £150.00/year.

    • Multi-site Corporate Membership: For a multi-site Corporate Membership rate please contact the Membership Secretary. The guidance rate for multi-site Corporate Membership is £150.00/year + £45.00 for each additional copy of the journals required.

For more details on the membership types see the ACCU Constitution.

To join, continue here. (This will redirect you to the old ACCU web site.)

Page last changed 7 May 2024.

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