Example Mapping – theory and practice

Example Mapping – theory and practice

14:45 - 15:10 Thursday 7th April 2022 BST


User stories are supposed to be refined collaboratively, from vague ideas into detailed specifications. If you’re stuck in the rut of tedious grooming sessions that treat user stories as requirements cast-in-stone, then you’ll love the just-in-time, collaborative story refinement practiced by the team that created Cucumber.

Seb Rose

Seb has been a consultant, coach, designer, analyst and developer for over 40 years. He has been involved in the full development lifecycle with experience that ranges from architecture to support, from BASIC to Ruby.

During his career, he has worked for companies large (e.g. IBM, Amazon) and small, and has extensive experience of failed projects. He’s now Continuous Improvement Lead with SmartBear, helping apply the lessons he has learned to internal development practices and product roadmaps.

He’s a regular speaker at conferences, a contributing author to 97 Things Every Programmer Should Know (O’Reilly) and the lead author of The Cucumber for Java Book (Pragmatic Programmers).

He blogs at cucumber.io/blog and tweets as @sebrose

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