ACCU Conference News

Change on ACCU Programme Committee

By Felix Petriconi

8 June 2023

The C++ Foundation has published the results of their external investigation on CppCon Winter 2022-2023 Code of Conduct Transparency Report

As the investigation has shown that all allegations against Guy Davidson are without substance, he will resume his role as a member of the ACCU Conference Programme Committee.

Change of Closing Keynotes

By Felix Petriconi

11 April 2023

We are very sad to inform you that Dave Abrahams will not be able to attend the conference due to health reasons and for this reason, will not be able to give his keynote on Saturday. However, we are very happy and grateful that Kate Gregory is filling in for Dave at such short notice!

Change on ACCU Programme Committee

By Felix Petriconi

28 February 2023

As of today, Guy Davidson has recused himself from the ACCU programme committee until the end of the currently ongoing investigation and the end of the conference.


Mike Daum posted last Thursday a Tweet where he accuses a member of the ACCU programme committee of touching him inappropriately at the C++ North 2022 conference during a Chi Gong session. Mike conveys the impression that the ACCU conference organiser was not interested in this case and he raises his concern about this programme committee member’s participation on the ACCU 2023 Code of Conduct (CoC) team.


Mike contacted the ACCU Conference chair on January 20th advising that we should take a look into the latest transparency report on the C++ North’s website. The ACCU Conference chair then requested details about this report from the C++ North board three days later.

Currently we are collecting further information so that we can make an informed decision before the beginning of the conference.

The ACCU 2023 Code of Conduct team will be supported by an independent consultant and the conference organisers Mosaic Events, rather than being led by members of the community. This change was made earlier this year to ensure a neutral approach is achieved for any issues arising.

ACCU 2023 T-Shirt Competition

By Felix Petriconi

1 February 2023

Back by popular demand, our T-Shirt design competition is making its return!

What comes to your mind on the subject of 'Investigation'? Let your imagination run wild and design the new conference t-shirt.

It should not include the names of the speakers. We will place them on the back, as we do every year.

Send entries to for a chance to win your design on a real life t-shirt and a conference dinner ticket!

T-Shirt Competition

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