ACCU Conference News

Background: A speaker at C++Now was excluded from their conference by their code of conduct team. A session proposal for ACCU 2023 was received from this individual during the Call for Papers and accepted within the programme.

Following feedback received from other presenters, the committee has carefully reviewed this matter at length, and we can confirm that the individual will not now be attending at the conference.

In addition, we want to take this opportunity to state that at ACCU Conference we take safety of our participants very seriously and all of them (speakers, delegates and exhibitors) will be required to agree to the ACCU Code of Conduct and to accept the consequences if this is violated.

We are saddened that a few speakers chose to withdraw their session due to this incident. We invite those that contacted us to consider returning their session to the schedule.

The program will be back online after all the changes that have now occurred have been incorporated.

If you have any further concerns please do contact our Conference Team on

Sarah Byrne, Director, Mosaic Events
Felix Petriconi, Conference Chair

Programme Committee:
Anastasia Kazakova
Francis Glassborow
Gail Ollis
Guy Davidson
Roger Orr
Timur Doumler

ACCU 2023 Registration is open

By Felix Petriconi

14 January 2023

We have published the schedule for the ACCU 2023 conference: Schedule

The registration for the ACCU 2023 Conference is now open. Please follow this link.

Please note as well that we have reviewed and updated our Code of Conduct. We hope that the new version helps to reduce the chance for misunderstandings.

We are looking forward to meet you in person in Bristol or online.

ACCU 2023 Keynote Speakers

By Felix Petriconi

30 October 2022

We are happy to announce our keynote speakers for the ACCU 2023 conference!

Björn Fahller

Dave Abrahams

Gail Ollis

Stephanie Brenham

More information is on the organizer’s website

ACCU 2023 Call for papers is open

By Felix Petriconi

14 October 2022

The Call for Papers for the ACCU 2023 Conference is open!

We invite you to propose a session for this leading software development conference.

We have a long tradition of high quality sessions covering many aspects of software development, from programming languages (e.g., C, C++, C#, D, Clojure, Erlang, Groovy, Haskell, Java, Javascript, Python, Ruby, etc.), and technologies (libraries, frameworks, databases, etc.) to subjects about the wider development environment such as testing, architecture and design, development process, analysis, patterns, project management, and softer aspects such as team building, communication and leadership. See the 2022 schedule.

Sessions are usually tutorial-based, presentations of case studies, or interactive workshops, but we are always open to novel formats.

Pre-conference workshops are all day and may be one or two days long. Main conference sessions are 90 or 180 minutes. Again we have short sessions with 20 min.

Proposals about specific products and technologies will be taken under consideration only if they are open source and available for free (at least for non-commercial use). If you are interested in talking about a proprietary technology, there is the possibility of "sponsored sessions" which are presented outside the standard conference schedule. Please, email for more information.

The details about financial assistance will be published later.

Please sign up and enter your proposals at Call for Papers

The conference has always benefited from the strength of its programme. Please help us make 2023 another successful event!

Thank you!

ACCU Programme Committee

ACCU 2022 Registration is open

By Felix Petriconi

28 January 2022

The registration for the ACCU 2022 Conference is now open. Please follow this link.

We are looking forward to meet you in person in Bristol or online.

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