ACCU 2020 Schedule

The schedule is subject to change without notice until 2021-03-14.


Track A Track B Track C Track D Track E


Keynote: It Depends…​
Kevlin Henney




An Overview of Standard Ranges

Tristan Brindle

Generic Programming without (writing your own) Templates

Tina Ulbrich

Windows, macOS and the Web: Lessons from cross-platform development at think-cell

Sebastian Theophil

Contrasting test automation and BDD: an "interactions over tools" perspective

Seb Rose

Interesting Characters

Andy Balaam




Time Travel Debugging - it’s time to Debug Different
Chris Croft-White




C++ UNIverse

Victor Ciura

The Point Challenge - returning different types for the same operation

Amir Kirsh

Example mapping: a structured, collaborative discovery technique

Seb Rose

Building portable C++ packages: the Curse of Abundance

Piotr Gaczkowski
Building portable C++ packages: the bliss of unification

Adrian Ostrowski
Testing your tests with code coverage

Richard Wallman

Tools that spark joy: lessons learned from the Rust ecosystem that can be adopted elsewhere

Lotte Steenbrink

Programming as a sport — what do you mean?

Ahto Truu

Services evolution: required is forever

Natalia Pryntsova

Handling large volumes of immutable structured data with ClickHouse

Jim Hague

What use is a confined user shell?

Alan Griffiths

PowerShell for the Curious

Chris Oldwood




Cross-Platform Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

Erika Sweet

Modern Linux C++ debugging tools - under the covers

Greg Law
Dewang Li

Thinking in Immediate: ImGUI

Zhihao Yuan

Frictionless Allocators

Alisdair Meredith

The Business Value of a Good API

Bob Steagall


Lightning Talks
Pete Goodliffe

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