Schedule subject to confirmation
Tuesday 21 April -- Preconference
10:00 |
Fearless Change: Patterns for Introducing New Ideas (Linda Rising) |
(Alisdair Meredith) |
Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests (Steve Freeman, Nat Pryce) |
Wednesday 22 April
Thursday 23 April
Start | University | Cherwell | Blenheim | Charlbury | Wolvercote |
07:30 |
Sponsored breakfast seminar by Nokia, Qt Software Wolvercote |
09:30 |
The Benefits of Abstraction in Patterns (Linda Rising) University |
10:30 |
Coffee break | ||||
11:00 |
(Peter Sommerlad, Kevlin Henney, Giovanni Asproni) {Slides} |
Memory Allocation and Garbage Collection in Java (Angelika Langer) |
(Phil Nash) |
Controlling Project Risk by Design (Niels Malotaux) |
Seven Tips to help get you started on multicore (Stephen Blair-chappell, James Reinders) |
11:45 |
AJAX for Mobile Devices - Using Apache Projects to get the job done (Roland Tritsch) {Slides} |
12:30 |
Lunch | ||||
14:00 |
Designing multithreaded applications in C++0x (Anthony Williams) {Slides} |
(Sami Vaaraniemi) |
(Hubert Matthews) {Slides} |
What Motivates Software Developers? (Helen Sharp,Mark Dalgarno) |
Exploring design space with interactive pattern stories (James Siddle, Kevlin Henney) {Slides} |
14:45 |
RESTful Services and Distributed OSGi - Friends or Foes (Roland Tritsch) {Slides} |
15:30 |
Coffee break | ||||
16:00 |
(Andrei Alexandrescu) {Slides} |
Reverse Engineering Patterns: I wouldn't start from here if I were you. (Mark Dalgarno) |
Concurrency and Performance Reloaded (Kirk Pepperdine) |
(Karl Scotland) {Slides} |
Deception and Estimation: How We Fool Ourselves (Linda Rising) {Slides} |
16:45 |
17:30 |
Break | ||||
18:00 |
Lightning talks {Slides} |
Friday 24 April
Saturday 25 April
Start | University | Cherwell | Blenheim | Charlbury | Wolvercote |
09:30 |
Keynote: Considerations for Successful Management (Allan Kelly) University |
10:30 |
Coffee break | ||||
11:00 |
Agility, Business Value and the 13 Axis of Software Quality (Schalk Cronje) |
Patterns for Versions, Releases, Compatibility (Klaus Marquardt) |
(Tony Barrett-Powell) {Slides} |
(Allan Kelly) |
Concurrent Programming with the Cell Processor (Dietmar Kuehl) {Slides} |
11:45 |
12:30 |
Lunch | ||||
14:00 |
Legacy code - learning to live with it (Pete Goodliffe) {Slides} |
Embedding IronPython and the Dynamic Language Runtime in .NET Applications (Michael Foord) |
Stop the Software Architecture Erosion (Bernhard Merkle) |
Design Patterns with modern C++ (Peter Sommerlad) {Slides} |
Embedded Objects with C++ -- C++ Idioms, Patterns and Architectures for Constrained Systems (Detlef Vollmann) |
14:45 |
Adopting Model-View-Controller in Cocoa and Objective-C (Graham Lee) |
15:30 |
Coffee break | ||||
16:00 |
Enigma Challenge Solution (Richard Harris) University |