Conference Archives

Sponsored by: Organized by: Conference Chair: Giovanni Asproni Conference Committee: Aaron Craigie Francis Glassborow

The ACCU Conference 2007 is sponsored by: The ACCU Conference 2007 is organized by: Conference Chair: Ewan Milne Conference Committee: Giovanni Asproni Francis Glassborow Allan Kelly Alan Lenton Tim Penhey Event Manager:

Wednesday 19 April to Saturday 22 April 2006, Oxford The ACCU Conference 2006 will bring software professionals the chance to hear about the latest ideas in software development. The excellent technical programme has an emphasis on C++, Agile methods and Python, while also addressing the wider development environment. We have a great event for you to enjoy and participate in. And participation is certainly encouraged: one of the key features which make the ACCU Conference one of the most enjoyable events around is the amazing atmosphere generated by all of you attending.

ACCU Conference 2005 Wednesday 20 April to Saturday 23 April 2005, the Randolph Hotel, Oxford We have a great programme for you to enjoy and participate in. And participation is certainly encouraged: one of the key features which make the ACCU Conference one of the most enjoyable events around is the amazing atmosphere generated by all of you attending. As Herb Sutter comments: "ACCU in particular is always a blast because the audience is always highly interactive and supercharged.

ACCU Spring Conference 2004 Wednesday 14 April to Saturday 17 April 2004, the Randolph Hotel, central Oxford     The ACCU Spring Conference 2004 boasts an impressive technical programme with an emphasis on C++, Java and Python, with tutorials, workshops and discussions on eXtreme Programming, Patterns and embedded software. This year's event features keynote talks by Herb Sutter, Chuck Allison and Neil Martin. For all professional software developers, this is a key event allowing them to take a few days out to catch up on the latest developments in languages, tools and development methodologies and to learn from the very best.

Click on a logo for more information about that conference.

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