Conference Archives

Sponsored by: Organized by: Conference Chair:   Jon Jagger Conference Committee:   Astrid Byro   Francis Glassborow   Olve Maudal   Roger Orr   Ewan Milne Event Manager: Archer Yates Associates Ltd Threshers Yard, West Street Kingham, Oxon.

Sponsored by: Organized by: Conference Chair:   Jon Jagger Conference Committee:   Astrid Byro   Francis Glassborow   Olve Maudal   Roger Orr   Ewan Milne Event Manager: Archer Yates Associates Ltd Threshers Yard, West Street Kingham, Oxon.

Sponsored by: WG21 Sponsored by: Organized by: Conference Chair:   Jon Jagger Conference Committee:   Astrid Byro   Francis Glassborow   Olve Maudal   Roger Orr   Ewan Milne Event Manager: Archer Yates Associates Ltd Threshers Yard, West Street Kingham, Oxon.

Sponsored by: Organized by: Conference Chair:   Jon Jagger Conference Committee:   Astrid Byro   Francis Glassborow   Olve Maudal   Roger Orr   James Slaughter Event Manager: Archer Yates Associates Ltd Threshers Yard, West Street Kingham, Oxon.

CODEBREAKING, CRYPTOGRAPHY AND PROGRAMMING HEAVYWEIGHT SPEAKER LINE-UP ANNOUNCED FOR THIRD ANNUAL ACCU CONFERENCE Saturday 12 November 2011 tickets available now: ALL PROCEEDS TO the BLETCHLEY PARK TRUST AND THE NATIONAL MUSEUM OF COMPUTING The Bletchley Park Trust is delighted to announce that the keynote speaker for the Annual ACCU Conference 2011 will be prestigious 2006 Turing Award winner, Dr Frances Allen. Dr Allen will be giving away the secrets behind the codebreaking language and system she developed for the National Security Agency in the 1950's and 1960's.

Click on a logo for more information about that conference.

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