ACCU Conference News

ACCU 2021 Registration Open

By Felix Petriconi

22 December 2020

Registration for ACCU 2021 is now open!

For any delegates who deferred their registration from 2020, we will be in touch in the New Year to discuss any adjustments to your existing booking as a result of the event being fully virtual. Thank you for your support, and we look forward to ‘seeing’ you at ACCU 2021!

ACCU 2021 Call for Papers

By Felix Petriconi

22 October 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic did not only lead to cancellation of the ACCU 2020 conference, unfortunately it forced us to run the upcoming ACCU 2021 conference completely virtual.

The ACCU 2021 conference will be from 2021-03-10 to 2021-03-13, with a pre-conference workshops on 2021-03-09.

We are starting the Call for Papers now!

If you are new to submitting sessions for ACCU conferences, you may want to read the ACCU conference section on ACCU Conference. It explains the types of session that can be submitted. It also has links to all the details about presenter deals.

Again we are using Archer Yates Associates (AYA – the people who do all the ACCU conference organising) instance of Firebird – a system for managing conferences. So in order to submit a proposal you will need to go to:

Unless you are already logged in, this takes you to the sign-up/login page. You will need to sign up first so that you can then login and start submitting proposals.

If you had a session that was accepted for 2020, then it will be available after login and you can re-submit it, if you want.

So as of 2020-10-19 until 2020-11-13 23:59 the ACCU 2021 CfP is open. As ever there will be no extension of the deadline, and we do not take late submissions.

If you have any questions or problems please do not hesitate to email the Conference Chair.

ACCU 2020 Cancelled

12 March 2020

It is with much sadness and after much consideration, that the Joint Chairs and Organisers of ACCU 2020 have decided to cancel the 2020 conference. Even though the Government has still not declared that any gatherings of size should be cancelled, we now believe that this is the correct thing to do in order to lower the risk to attenders, presenters, sponsors, and exhibitors.

We would like to thank you for your support and patience while we sort out how refunds will be made and will post further information as to how to claim in the coming days, please revisit this site for information.

In the meantime, we hope to see you in Belfast at the ACCU Autumn event – 4th–6th October 2020 at the Hilton Hotel, where there will be two days, with three tracks of sessions, covering both C++ and other languages.

SAVE THE DATE: Plans are in place to hold ACCU 2021 in Bristol 13th–17thApril 2021 – we hope to see you there. In the meantime, stay safe and well.

Felix (Co-Chair), Russel (Co-Chair), Julie and the AYA Team

The Coronavirus Covid-19 situation is very fluid just now. Many are asking how this affects ACCU 2020. The official position as at 2020-03-11T18:15+00:00 is:

We are obviously concerned about the impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19) on this year’s ACCU and are closely monitoring what is happening.

Archer Yates, the conference event managers are in close contact with the Association of British Professional Conference Organisers – ABPCO, who are in turn liaising with the UK Government.

Essentially, we see two different scenarios for the conference, depending on how the situation develops:

  1. Conference happens as planned – ideally, we are able to run the conference as normal, while ensuring measures are put in place to best protect attendees as instructed by the national and local health authorities.

  2. Conference runs locally and online – In the event there are global travel restrictions, but it is still possible to organize the conference locally, we will run the event as a local event while streaming the content to those no longer able to attend. The workshops will run remotely online. Clearly if the UK Government declares a major emergency and forbids any public events being held altogether then the whole conference will be online only.

If the conference moves to some or all online we will refund 50% of the ticket price to all who participate online. This will apply to both the workshops and the conference itself.

Clearly, we still want ACCU to be held, even if for this year it means altering the concept. We will keep everyone informed of how things develop, and we will do all we can to ensure we get through this challenge as a community.

The coronavirus Covid-19 situation is very fluid just now. Many are asking how this affects ACCU 2020. The official position as at 2020-03-03T20:30+00:00 is:

We are obviously concerned about the impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19) on this year’s ACCU and are closely monitoring what is happening.

Archer Yates, the conference event managers are in close contact with the Association of British Professional Conference Organisers – ABPCO, who are in turn liaising with the UK Government.

Essentially, we see two different scenarios for the conference, depending on how the situation develops:

  1. Conference happens as planned – ideally, we are able to run the conference as normal, while ensuring measures are put in place to best protect attendees as instructed by the national and local health authorities.

  2. Conference runs locally and online – In the event there are global travel restrictions, but it is still possible to organize the conference locally, we will run the event as a local event while streaming the content to those no longer able to attend. The workshops will run remotely online. Clearly if the UK Government declares a major emergency and forbids any public events being held altogether then the whole conference will be online only.

If the conference moves to some or all online we will refund 50% of the ticket price to all who participate online. This will apply to both the workshops and the conference itself.

Clearly, we still want ACCU to be held, even if for this year it means altering the concept. We will keep everyone informed of how things develop, and we will do all we can to ensure we get through this challenge as a community.

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