ACCU 2024 Bristol Videos, Day 3

Time Travel Debugging

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Concurrency Hylomorphism

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Efficient and Reliable Wrapping of C APIs Using Modern C++

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Integrating C++ code generation into a large CMake build

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A novice introduces APL

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C++ Software Engineers at Bloomberg: Building Consensus for How We Use C++

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Symmetry in Code - Should We Care?

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Modern C++ addons for node.js

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Demistifying the C++ Committee

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Introduction to Lock/Wait Free Algorithms: Defining and Understanding the Terms

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Lexy: A DSL Library For C++ Parsing

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Advanced Usage of the C++23 Stacktrace Library

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Rewiring your brain - with Test Driven Thinking

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Data Oriented Design and Entity Component System Explained

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Testing Templates, Testing Tests

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The Data Abstraction Talk

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Enhancing Safety in C++ Code With Modern C++ Quantities and Units Library

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Keynote: Strategies to Cope With Conflicting Design Patterns in C++ Development Teams

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