Concurrency Hylomorphism

By Lucian Radu Teodorescu

In the rapidly evolving landscape of software development, the demand for safe, efficient and easy concurrent programming solutions has never been more critical. Starting from Aristotle’s hylomorphism, where substance (hyle) and form (morphe) are inherently interconnected, we discuss a structured concurrency model that guarantees safety, is efficient and as easy to use a non-concurrent programming. This concurrency model is proposed for the Hylo programming language.

We consider the basic requirements for concurrency, bring in ideas from structured programming to allow us to construct this concurrency model. As a result, the concurrency model is for general use, and does not fit just a certain type of problems.

Through various examples, we would walk the attendees through building effective concurrency abstractions. While our central focus is on ease of use, we will also emphasise safety guarantees and delve into performance considerations. We will argue that not only are deadlocks impossible with this model, but also malign race conditions cannot occur.

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