Overload Journal 183 - October 2024

  • Overload 183 PDF

  • Overload 183 ePub

  • What Does It All Mean?  WEB  PDF
    By Frances Buontempo
    Trying to make sense of things can be a challenge. Frances Buontempo reminds us something don’t entirely make sense and that’s OK.

  • Formal Verification  WEB  PDF
    By Aurelian Melinte
    Proving code is correct is challenging. Aurelian Melinte explores verification, the most ignored area of software engineering.

  • C++ Compile-Time Programming  WEB  PDF
    By Wu Yongwei
    Programming at compile time has been possible in C++ for a long time. Wu Yongwei considers its past, present and future.

  • The Publish Pattern  WEB  PDF
    By Lucian Radu Teodorescu
    How do you minimise locking between producers and consumers? Lucian Radu Teodorescu describes a common, but currently undocumented, design pattern.

  • Modernization of Legacy Arrays: Replacing CArray with std::vector  WEB  PDF
    By Stuart Bergen
    Many codebases still use mature libraries, such as Microsoft Foundation Classes. Stuart Bergen explains how and why he moved to using modern standard C++ tools instead.

  • Afterwood  WEB  PDF
    By Chris Oldwood
    Many programming books are regarded as classics. Chris Oldwood shares the joy of re-reading some of them.

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