Conference Archives

ACCU Conference 2003 Wednesday 2 April to Saturday 5 April 2003. Holiday Inn Oxford Pear Tree Roundabout, Woodstock Road, Oxford, OX2 8JD (Conference pages: Schedule Speakers) Last updated 1 September 2020

The ACCU Spring Conference 2002 & AGM incorporating the Python UK Conference The ACCU Spring Conference will take place on the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th of April 2002, at the Heritage Motor Centre, Gaydon (25 miles from Oxford on the M40). Note: please be prepared to book promptly as soon as bookings open as we are very likely to have to cap the number of places. The AGM location and time will be announced.

2023-04-17 Empire SS Great Britain 10:00 C++20 (and C++23) in Practice Day 1 Nico Josuttis C++ Concepts Workshop Mateusz Pusz 2023-04-18 Empire SS Great Britain Wallace 10:00 C++20 (and C++23) in Practice Day 2 Nico Josuttis Modern C++ Idioms Mateusz Pusz

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