Conference Archives

Sponsored by: Organized by: Conference Chair: Giovanni Asproni Conference Committee: Astrid Byro Francis Glassborow Paul Grenyer Alan Griffiths Jon Jagger Roger Orr James Slaughter Event Manager: Archer Yates Associates Ltd Threshers Yard, West Street Kingham, Oxon.

NEWS RELEASE 16 August 2010 ACCU Bletchley Park Autumn Fundraising Conference 2010 6 November 2010 at Bletchley Park ACCU is proud to announce its 2010 Security Conference at Bletchley Park Each year the ACCU organises a one day conference on security to raise money for the Bletchley Park Trust, the body which runs Bletchley Park, the World War II UK cryptography centre where the legendary German 'Enigma' code was first cracked, and for The National Museum of Computing, also housed at Bletchley Park.

Sponsored by: Organized by: Conference Chair: Giovanni Asproni Conference Committee: Astrid Byro Francis Glassborow Paul Grenyer Alan Lenton Ewan Milne Roger Orr James Slaughter Event Manager: Archer Yates Associates Ltd Threshers Yard, West Street Kingham, Oxon.

November 7th, 2009. Bletchley Park, Milton Keynes, UK On November 7th 2009, the ACCU will be holding a one day conference at Bletchley Park, home of the legendary World War II 'Enigma' code breakers, and the site at which the world's first digital computer went operational. Timetable 08:30-09:30Registration and coffee 09:30-10:30Tony Sale: 'How the Germans gave away their "unbreakable" codes' 10:30-11:00Coffee 11:00-12:30Bletchley Tours 12:30-13:30Lunch 13:30-15:00Phil Zimmermann: 'VOIP Protocoal ZRTP' 15:00-15:30Coffee 15:30-15:45Simon Greenish 15:45-17:00Simon Singh: 'Cracking the Cipher Challenge' 17:00-17:30Computer Museum Raffle Speakers (alphabetical order) are: Speaker: Tony Sale Hon FBCS Title: How the Germans gave away their "

Sponsored by: Organized by: Conference Chair: Giovanni Asproni Conference Committee: Astrid Byro Francis Glassborow Alan Lenton Ewan Milne Roger Orr Tim Penhey James Slaughter Event Manager: Archer Yates Associates Ltd Threshers Yard, West Street Kingham, Oxon.

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