Conference Archives

ACCU Autumn 2019 took place at Hilton Hotel 2019-11-11 and 2019-11-12. The schedule as happened. Blurbs of the sessions. Bios of the presenters. Programme Committee and Organisers 2019 Autumn Videos - All Days Links to slides, where available, have been added to the schedule page.

ACCU 2019 took place at Bristol Marriott Hotel City Centre 2019-04-09 to 2019-04-13 – Tuesday 2019-04-09, the first day was, as ever, some full day workshops; the conference ran from Wednesday 2019-04-10 to, and including, Saturday 2019-04-13. There are various webpages acting as a record of the conference: The details of the keynotes. The schedule as happened. Blurbs of the sessions.

ACCU 2018 took place at Bristol Marriott Hotel City Centre 2018-04-10 to 2018-04-14 – Tuesday 2018-04-10, the first day was, as ever, some full day workshops; the conference ran from Wednesday 2018-04-11 to, and including, Saturday 2018-04-14. There are various webpages acting as a record of the conference: The details of the keynotes. The schedule as happened. Blurbs of the sessions.

ACCU 2017 took place at Bristol Marriott Hotel City Centre 2017-04-25 to 2017-04-29 – as with ACCU 2016, a little later than had become traditional. (From ACCU 2018, the conferences have returned to being early April.) Tuesday 2017-04-25, the first day was, as ever, some full day workshops. The conference ran from Wednesday 2017-04-26 to, and including, Saturday 2017-04-29. There are various webpages acting as a record of the conference:

ACCU 2016 took place at Bristol Marriott Hotel City Centre 2016-04-19 to 2016-04-23 – a little later than had become traditional. Tuesday 2016-04-19, the first day was, as ever, some full day workshops. The conference ran from Wednesday 2016-04-20 to, and including, Saturday 2016-04-23. There are various webpages acting as a record of the conference: The schedule as happened. Blurbs of the sessions.

Click on a logo for more information about that conference.

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