April 14-17, 2010. Barcelo Oxford Hotel, Oxford, UK

The registrations are now open. They usually sell very fast; book early to avoid disappointment!
In 2010 we'll have yet another exceptional programme. There will be four keynotes by by Jeff Sutherland, co-inventor of Scrum; James Bach, well known tester and author of "Lessons Learned in Software Testing"; Dan North, Agile coach, software developer and the inventor of Behaviour Driven Development; and Russel Winder, consultant, author, and expert in parallel and distributed systems.
The great line-up of speakers includes among the others Robert Martin (Uncle Bob), Tom Gilb, Andrei Alexandrescu, Walter Bright, Kevlin Henney, Michael Stal , James Coplien, Diomidis Spinellis, John Lakos and many more
As usual, there will be a set of pre-conference tutorials which will include:
- A Certified Scrum Master Course taught by Jeff Sutherland and Gabrielle Benefield (two days 12 and 13 of April)
- A one day tutorial on the D programming language by Walter Bright and Andrei Alexandrescu
- A one day tutorial on testing by James Bach
- A one day tutorial on Domain Specific Languages by Juha-Pekka Tolvanen
This year the conference will feature – along with the usual tracks on development process, C++, Java, dynamic and functional languages – a special track on testing, with sessions presented by, among the others, James Bach, Lisa Crispin, Tom Gilb, Steve Freeman and Nat Pryce.
We believe this conference is a great event for you to participate in. In fact, the ACCU conference is not only one of the most informative, but also one of the most enjoyable events around.
You can receive announcements on twitter by following @accu2010 or using the hashtag #accu2010
ACCU 2010 is the conference you cannot afford to miss!
(Original Rates & Booking information here.)
Last updated 26 August 2020