ACCU 2023 Transparency Report

The ACCU 2023 Conference took place from 2023-04-19 to 2023-04-22, during which time the Code of Conduct Team was led by Sarah Byrne, Mosaic Events, and supported by Peter Bindels, a member of the community and Felix Petriconi, the conference chair.

During the conference, two people approached the CoC Team with a concern:

For the first concern, a conference speaker contacted the team to inquire whether certain content in his presentation would constitute a violation of the CoC. The team looked at the slides and determined that it was not a violation.

For the second concern, a report was made about a CoC violation of a participant. The participant was found to be in violation of the CoC and was removed from the conference because of it. We do not consider this person a risk for future conferences. The CoC team classified this incident as a serious incident.

The organizer Mosaic Events conducted a survey after the event and one of the questions was: "Did you feel the conference was a safe place to be?" 92% of attendees answered that they strongly agreed or agreed to this question.

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