ACCU 2016 Speakers

ACCU Committee

Representative of the current ACCU committee will be leading this session.

Abraham Marín Pérez

Abraham Marin-Perez is an independent Java programmer and Agile aficionado. He works with other organizations and helps them achieve their objectives through a number of varying challenges, both technical and non- technical. He is also an associate at the London Java Community, a Java Editor at InfoQ, and a public speaker at technical events.

Andrei Alexandrescu

Andrei Alexandrescu coined the colloquial term "modern C++", used today to describe a collection of important C++ styles and idioms. His eponymous book on the topic, Modern C++ Design: Generic Programming and Design Patterns Applied (Addison-Wesley, 2001), revolutionized C++ programming and produced a lasting influence not only on subsequent work on C++, but also on other languages and systems. With Herb Sutter, Andrei is also the coauthor of C++ Coding Standards: 101 Rules, Guidelines, and Best Practices (Addison-Wesley, 2004). Andrei has garnered a solid reputation in both industrial and academic circles through his work on libraries and applications, a five-year tenure as a Research Scientist at Facebook, and machine learning publications and patents. Since 2006, Andrei has worked on the D programming language together with Walter Bright, the inventor and initial implementer of the language. Andrei co-designed many important features of D, authored a large part of D’s standard library, and wrote the eponymous book The D Programming Language (2010). Andrei holds a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Washington and a BSc in Electrical Engineering from University "Politehnica" Bucharest. He currently works on the D Language Foundation.

Andy Balaam

Andy Balaam is happy as long as he had a programming language and a problem. Over time he finds he has more and more of each. You can find his many open source projects at

Andy Brice

I am a UK-based software developer with nearly 30 years of professional software development experience. In 2005 I had had enough of working for other people and decided to start my own 1-man software product business. I am still making a living from my first product (PerfectTablePlan) 10 years later.

twitter: @successfulsw

Anna-Jayne Metcalfe

Anna is a C++ software engineer and the founder of Riverblade, a UK based software vendor specialising in plugging code analysis tools into the (usually quite crufty) innards of development environments. She originally started out as an electronic engineer, and even now has been known to (very) occasionally wave a soldering iron about rather than a compiler.

She is obsessive about refactoring, tweaking and generally trying to make things work better for people. When she’s not doing that, tweeting about all sorts of weird stuff or otherwise mucking about with technology she grows chilli plants, runs along Bournemouth beach and collects Belgian beer.

Anthony Williams

Anthony Williams is a UK-based developer and consultant with many years of experience in C++. He has been an active member of the BSI C++ Standards Panel since 2001, and is author or coauthor of many of the C++ Standards Committee papers that led up to the inclusion of the thread library in the C++11 Standard. He is the developer of the just::thread implementation of the C++11 thread library from Just Software Solutions Ltd. Anthony lives in the far west of Cornwall, England.

Ari Mitra

Ari is a technology veteran with a career spanning 18 years – working in Europe, U.S and Asia. Ari’s career began soon after leaving University in 1995 when he started working with the leading enterprise content management platforms.While working on consulting engagements world-wide, Ari has acquired a varied skillset that includes software engineering, business analysis, data warehousing, project management and enterprise architecture.

He has worked for multi-national blue-chip companies in diverse industry sectors, from Finance, Legal, Energy, Bio-pharmaceutical and Government. Many of his engagements were in multi-million dollar programmes, producing systems considered mission critical by the corporations using them.

A keen public speaker and presenter. In 2015 he presented at the data forum at XBRL US in Seattle. It was a joint presentation with Fujitsu to introduce a new solution for financial data validation and benckmarking using Fujitsu XWand Cloud and Lyticas Prism Cloud – developed by Ari’s company Apurba Technology Inc.

He also gave a talk in May 2014 at the Academy of Science and Engineering conference for Big Data Science and Computing at Stanford University. The subject of the talk was the use of in how to ensure intersystems communication between components in an ecosystem that works with Big Data.

Outside work his active interests are playing classical piano and Japanese swordsmanship.

Ari received his M.Sc. in 1995 from University of Kent, England, researching into development & application of artificial neural network models to problems in medical diagnosis

Astrid Byro

Astrid Byro has been an independent IT consultant for over 17 years, advising clients in the financial, life sciences, engineering, logistics, and petrochem industries (among others) and is currently CTO and Principal Professional Services Consultant for Lyticas and Apurbatech.

Austin Bingham

Austin is a founding director of Sixty North, a software consulting, training, and application development company. A native of Texas, in 2008 Austin moved to Stavanger, Norway where he helped develop industry-leading oil reservoir modeling software. Prior to that he worked at National Instruments, at Applied Research Labs developing sonar systems, and at several telecommunications companies. He is an experienced presenter and teacher, and is an active member of the open source community. He’s the founder of Stavanger Software Developers, a social software group in Stavanger. Austin holds a MSc in Computer Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin.

Bernhard Merkle

Bernhard Merkle works as a Software Architect and Engineer for Software Engineering in the central Research & Development Department at SICK AG, one of the world’s leading producers of sensors and sensor solutions. He serves as internal consultant for the complete Software Development Cycle and is responsible for Process- and Methods-Selection as well as Tool- Evaluation and Introduction. In his spare time he gives a lecture about MDSD (Model Driven Software Development). He writes technical articles and also gives sessions at various conferences (e.g. ACCU, Codegeneration, Conquest, QCon, OOPSLA, EclipseCon and OOP).

Burkhard Kloss

I only came to England to walk the Pennine Way… 25 years later I still haven’t done it. I did, though, get round to starting an AI company (spectacularly unsuccessful), joining another startup long before it was cool, learning C++, and spending a lot of time on trading floors building systems for complex derivatives. Sometimes hands on, sometimes managing people. Somewhere along the way I realised you can do cool stuff quickly in Python, and I’ve never lost my fascination with making machines smarter.

Twitter handle: @numericalresearch / @georgebernhard

Charles Bailey

Charles is a software developer at Bloomberg LP. He works in Developer Experience where he helps maintain and improve the tools used in development, and consult and advise on all aspects of software development.

His previous career in software has included roles in such diverse areas as web technology, business intelligence, data warehousing, defence and radar.

He understands the importance of optimal software practices and so has a keen interest in source control systems and best practices surrounding their use.

He is a Git user, advocate and contributor and relishes the opportunity to slice through knotty problems with his git-fu and to teach others how to do the same.

Charles Tolman

Having started in electronics back in the mid 70s I moved into software shortly after getting an Electronic Engineering degree at Southampton. Moving on from soldering chips onto computer boards to programming them through microcode, assembler, Pascal, Eiffel and thence to C++, I am now involved in large scale C++ development in the CAE domain. Having seen many silver bullets come and go, I am interested in programmer development as much as improving technical competence and have a particular interest in the philosophy of knowledge and phenomenology, seeing many parallels with programming.

Chris Oldwood

Chris is a freelance developer who started out as a bedroom coder in the 80’s writing assembler on 8-bit micros; these days it’s C++ and C# in plush corporate offices. He also commentates on the Godmanchester duck race and can be contacted via or @chrisoldwood.

Chris Simons

As a medical laboratory technician in the 80’s, Chris found himself increasingly automating laboratory tests when someone told him what he was actually doing was programming. As this was rather fun, Chris studied for his MSc from Bristol Polytechnic in 1989. He became a software engineer, then architect, then agile methodology and design consultant and trainer, before joining the University of the West of England, Bristol in 2002. He applied his software development experience to artificial intelligence, and in 2011 obtained his PhD in interactive, evolutionary computation for software design. Chris now actively researches in the field of Search-Based Software Engineering (SBSE). An overview of Chris’s research interests can be found at


Jim Coplien is the first user of C++ outside Bell Labs research and continues to do pioneering work in object design and programming language. His latest passions include the trygve programming language – a research language designed to bring OO back to its proper roots.

Daniel Bryant

Daniel Bryant is leading change within organisations and technology with OpenCredo. His current work includes enabling agility within organisations by introducing better requirement gathering and planning techniques, focusing on the relevance of architecture within agile development, and facilitating continuous integration/delivery. Daniel’s current technical expertise focuses on ‘DevOps’ tooling, cloud/container platforms and microservice implementations. He is also a leader within the London Java Community (LJC), contributes to several open source projects, writes for well-known technical websites such as InfoQ and DZone, and regularly presents at international conferences such as QCon, JavaOne and Devoxx.

David R MacIver

David is the primary author of Hypothesis, a property-based testing tool for Python whose stated mission is "to drag the world kicking and screaming into a new and terrifying age of high quality software". It’s a work in progress. He’s also working on Conjecture, whose stated mission is "Port Hypothesis to every programming language". Prior to tilting at windmills, he worked at Google and a series of London startups as a back end data engineer.

Didier Verna

Dr. Didier Verna has a Ph.D. in Computer Science and is currently working as an associate professor for EPITA, a private Computer Science university located in Paris. He gives lectures on Operating Systems, Computer Graphics, Functional Programming and Typesetting. His main research topic is on the use of Lisp, a multi-paradigm dynamic language, to reconcile genericity and performance.

Didier Verna is also quite involved in free software: he has been one of the core maintainers of XEmacs for more than 15 years. He is also a committer to Gnus and BBDB, the author of several LaTeX packages and an occasional contributor to other Free Software projects (the GNU Autotools most notably; he was one of the technical reviewers for the "Goat Book").

Didier Verna is a member of the European Lisp Symposium steering committee and serves as a program committee member in various conferences (International Lisp Conference, European Lisp Symposium, Dynamic Languages Symposium, Context-Oriented Programming workshop, ACM Symposium on Applied Computing).

All of this is in fact half-true: two days a week, Didier Verna drops his scientific hat and wears the Jazz musician one instead. But that is another story…

Diego Rodriguez-Losada

Diego Rodriguez-Losada is Industrial Engineer, MsC in Mechanics, PhD in robotics and computer vision, professor in Technical University of Madrid since 2004 teaching programming, industrial informatics, and software engineering.

He left his tenure-track position at university in 2012 to start-up where he enjoyed his biggest passion: software development, creating a C and C++ dependency manager, written in python, but also as CEO/CTO, leading a great team of software engineers

Now, freelance and consultant in C/C++ and python development.

He is the author of many papers in top JCR indexed journals and speaker at international conferences., including latest CppNow 2015 and MeetingC++2015

Dietmar Kühl

Dietmar Kühl is a senior software developer at Bloomberg L.P. working on the data distrubtion environment used both internally and by enterprise installations at clients. In the past, he has done mainly consulting for software projects in the finance area. He is a regular attendee of the ANSI/ISO C++ standards committee and a moderator of the newsgroup comp.lang.c++.moderated.

Dirk Haun

Having worked in various roles in IT, Dirk Haun has now made it his goal to help his fellow geeks improve their presentation skills. Dirk lives in Stuttgart, Germany, where he’s coaching regular people, geeks, startups, and speakers at TEDxStuttgart (of which he’s the co-organiser and speaker liaison).

Dmitri Nesteruk

Dmitri Nesteruk is a developer, speaker, podcaster and a technical evangelist for JetBrains s.r.o. His interests lie in software development and integration practices in the areas of computation, quantitative finance and algorithmic trading.

Dmitry Kandalov

Dmitry has been programming and trying to get better at it since DOS times. He currently works with Java and JVM languages in finance industry. He is interested in tools for software development and is in the process of creating longest ever commit strike on GitHub.

Dominic Robinson

Dominic has mis-spent the last 30 years developing video games, flight simulators and software development tools in various assembly languages, C and C++. He founded and sold a video games company during the .com boom and is now a principal engineer at SN Systems, the subsidiary of Sony Computer Entertainment that is responsible for the development tools for the Sony PlayStation platforms. He has spent the last 7 years developing a fault tolerant, distributed build accelerator in C++ in the style of Erlang.

Duncan McGregor

Duncan has been programming professionally for 25 years. He was lucky enough to ride the Object-Oriented wave of the 90s, the Agile wave of the 00s, and what he is convinced will be called the Distributed-Functional wave of the, erm 10s. When not writing about himself in the third-person, Duncan can often be found running conference sessions on software testing and code quality, or throwing his money away in entrepreneurial ventures.

Felix Petriconi

Frances Buontempo

Frances Buontempo has a BA in Maths + Philosophy, an MSc in Pure Maths and a PhD technically in Chemical Engineering, but mainly programming and learning about AI and data mining. She has been a programmer since the 1990s professionally, and learnt to program by reading the manual for her Dad’s BBC model B machine. She is currently ACCU’s Overload editor, is married to ACCU’s CVu editor, has recently taken up weighing technical books and decided they are usually too heavy. She has previously programmed her way out of a paper bag.

Greg Law

Greg Law is the CEO and co-founder of Undo Software. He is a coder at heart, but likes to bridge the gap between the business and software worlds. Greg has over 15 years of experience in the software industry and has had development and management roles at companies including the pioneering British computer firm Acorn, as well as fast-growing start ups NexWave and Solarflare. Greg left Solarflare in 2012 to lead Undo Software as CEO. Greg holds a PhD from City University, London and was nominated for the 2001 British Computer Society Distinguished Dissertation Award. Greg lives in Cambridge, UK with his wife and two children.

Guy Bolton King

Guy has worked in a number of languages across a variety of domains during more than 20 years as a professional programmer. He’s still working on a legacy C++ system, hence this session.

Guy Davidson

Guy Davidson is the Coding Manager at Creative Assembly, makers of the Total War franchise, Alien:Isolation and the forthcoming Halo Wars sequel. He manages the WG21-SG14 GitHub repository and has contributed papers to the ISO committee. He has been writing games for longer than most people in the industry having started in 1980 on the school Acorn Atom

Hilverd Reker

Hilverd Reker is a developer at Springer Nature in London where he works on the Tools Engineering team. He is identifying and implementing solutions to problems faced by most of Springer’s software development teams, and doing longer-term work that individual teams can find difficult to justify in short-term value. Prior to joining Springer he worked as a Java developer at an online supermarket.

J Daniel Garcia

J Daniel Garcia is Associate Professor of Computer Architecture at University Carlos III of Madrid. He has been serving as head of spanish delegation to ISO C++ standards committe since 2008. Before joining academia he worked as a software engineer in industrial projects in different domains including real time control systems, civil engineering, medical imaging, aerospace engineering, and high performance scientific computing. Currently he leads the REPARA project funded by the European Comission and aiming refactoring C++ applications for parallel heterogeneous architectures. He also participates in the RePhrase European project also related to better software engineering practices for parallel C++ applications. His main research goal is to make software developer lives easier by balancing software maintainability and application performance. In summary easier to read, faster to run, and less resources consumed.

Jamie Allsop

Currently Director of – – Jamie is leading the development of a next generation exchange platform targeting MiFID II and emerging economies. Previously at the NYSE he was responsible for their market data platform and next generation projects. Impacted by the Flash Crash in 2010 he acted as a technical witness to the SEC. A member of the BSI C++ ISO Standards Panel and previous co-author of a best seller on C++ he enjoys getting his hands dirty in code. Recently he open-sourced cuppa – pypi/cuppa – a python SCons-based build framework to simplify building complex C++ systems. Passionate about agile development, and a long time speaker on the topic, he particularly relishes helping distributed teams embrace agility.

Jim Hague

Currently development lead for several mission-critical applications for Czech Air Traffic Control, Jim would like to be able to spend more time coding. Previously he has coded (and the rest) at companies large and small, as well as contributing to the odd open source project.

Johan Herland

Johan Herland is a platform developer at Cisco in Oslo, Norway, making the next generation of video conferencing solutions. He spends his days coding in various languages, including Python, C, C++, and shell, in addition to maintaining build systems, and being the local Git guru. He also occasionally contributes patches to Git or other open source projects.

When not in front of a computer, he enjoys long bike rides, or laying down smooth jazz chords on the piano.

John Lakos

John Lakos, author of "Large Scale C++ Software Design.", serves at Bloomberg LP in New York City as a senior architect and mentor for C++ Software Development world-wide. He is also an active voting member of the C++ Standards Committee, Evolution Working Group. Previously, Dr. Lakos directed the design and development of infrastructure libraries for proprietary analytic financial applications at Bear Stearns. For 12 years prior, Dr. Lakos developed large frameworks and advanced ICCAD applications at Mentor Graphics, for which he holds multiple software patents. His academic credentials include a Ph.D. in Computer Science ('97) and an Sc.D. in Electrical Engineering ('89) from Columbia University. Dr. Lakos received his undergraduate degrees from MIT in Mathematics ('82) and Computer Science ('81). His next book, entitled "Large-Scale C++, Volume I: Process and Architecture", is anticipated in 2016.

Jon Jagger

I’m Jon Jagger.

  • I’m a software consultant specializing in practice, process, test driven development, and complex-adaptive systems-thinking. Hire me!

  • I’m 30 years old (hex) and I’ve loved software since I was 10 (decimal).

  • I built to promote deliberate practice for software developers.

  • I’ve worked with Accenture, Aviva, Cisco, Ericsson, Friends Provident, HP, Microsoft, Opera, Ordnance Survey, RBS, Reuters, Renault F1, Schlumberger, Tandberg and many many more.

  • If you don’t like my work I won’t invoice you.

  • I’m the co-author (with Olve Maudal) of the Deep C/C++ slide deck (over 600,000 views)

  • I’m the ex ECMA Task Group 2 C# convenor.

  • I’ve had some C# books published.

  • I’m the ex ACCU conference chairman.

  • I’m married to the beautiful Natalie, and proud father of Ellie, Penny and Patrick.

  • I love coarse fishing and salmon fishing.

  • I live in Somerset, England.

  • On twitter I’m @JonJagger

Kevlin Henney

Kevlin is an independent consultant, speaker, writer and trainer. His development interests are in patterns, programming, practice and process. He has been a columnist for various magazines and web sites and is co-author of A Pattern Language for Distributed Computing and On Patterns and Pattern Languages, two volumes in the Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture series. He is also editor of 97 Things Every Programmer Should Know. He lives in Bristol and online.

Marc Evers

Marc Evers works a independent coach, trainer, and advisor on (agile) software development. Marc helps to develop learning organizations to focus on continuous reflection and improvement.  Independent at, partner in

Marian Petre

Marian Petre is a Professor of Computing at the Open University in the UK. She held a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award in recognition of her research on expert software design. For over two decades, she has been conducting empirical studies of professional software development, with a particular focus on design expertise and reasoning. She is an editor of IEEE Software and a co-author of ‘Software Designers in Action’ (CRC Press).

Marshall Clow

Marshall has been writing C++ for over 20 years. He is the maintainer of libc++, the standard library implementation for LLVM, the chair of the Library working group of the C++ standards committee, and a long time Boost contributor. He works at Qualcomm in San Diego.

Michel Grootjans

Michel Grootjans has been programming since the age of 12. He has programmed strange machines like the TI 99-4A, the Atari 2600, Mac128, HP28, Apple II, Siemens PLC’s using languages like Basic, Pascal, C, HyperTalk, Assembler,… along the way.

His professional experiences includes building enterprise applications for government, chemical plants, telecom, HR, insurance companies,… in Java, C# and Ruby.

He’s an independent technical agile coach. He coaches agile teams on continuous improvement, trying to find the most productive principles and practices to deliver value for the customer as fast as possible, while aiming for a product that is both flexible and maintainable.

Mike Long

I’m Mike Long, a continuous delivery consultant based in Oslo, Norway. My specialties include coaching and mentoring teams to adopt modern technical practices in complex development environments.

I have worked in a variety of cultures and business domains. I consider software as a craft, and enjoy sharing the pursuit of technical excellence with fellow enthusiasts. I give training courses on git, test-driven development, continuous delivery and am a certified docker trainer. I like to have fun!

I am active in the software community, where I help organize the Oslo Embedded Software meetup group, the Devops Norway meetup group, and the Embedded/IoT track at the NDC conference in Oslo. I am also a regular speaker and workshop facilitator at international conferences in Europe and Asia, with focus areas on Continuous Delivery, Docker, Cleaning Code, Testing Legacy C, Long Life Software, and C++ Toolchains. In addition, I also organize and facilitate workshops such as coding dojos and code retreats.

Nat Pryce

Nat is the coauthor of Growing Object Oriented Software, developer of JMock, and industry thought leader.

Niall Douglas

Niall Douglas is a lead author of WiP Boost.AFIO, Boost.APIBind and Boost.Outcome. He has been the lead Google Summer of Code administrator for Boost since 2014. He is an Affiliate Researcher with the Waterloo Research Institute for Complexity and Innovation at the University of Waterloo, Canada, and holds postgraduate qualifications in Business Information Systems and Educational and Social Research as well as a second undergraduate degree double majoring in Economics and Management. He has been using Boost since 2002 and was the ISO SC22 (Programming Languages) mirror convener for the Republic of Ireland 2011-2012. He formerly worked for BlackBerry 2012-2013 in their Platform Development group, and was formerly the Chief Software Architect of the Fuel and Hydraulic Test Benches of the EuroFighter defense aircraft. He is presently contracted to DTS Inc. as an expert C++ libraries consultant.

Nikos Athanasiou

Nick is a Software Engineer at the geometry division of βeta, a company producing worldwide leading software for computer aided engineering. His day to day work is on surface and solid modeling using primarily C++ and Python. He maintains CODEine, a blog fueled by pure geekiness.

Olve Maudal

Olve Maudal works for Cisco Systems where he is involved in developing collaboration solutions and telepresence technology. He loves to write code, but he is just as interested in how software is developed as what it actually does. Main interests are embedded systems, C, C++, TDD, secure coding, software architecture. Olve is based in Oslo and he is a certified Cisco Security Ninja.

Peter Sommerlad

Prof. Peter Sommerlad is director of IFS Institute for Software at FHO/HSR Rapperswil, Switzerland. Peter is co-author of the books POSA Vol.1 and Security Patterns and contributed to "97 things every programmer should know". His goal is to make software simpler by Decremental Development: Refactoring software down to 10% its size with better architecture, testability and quality and functionality. To reach that goal his team and students create IDE tooling based on Eclipse, mainly for C++ and Scala. Peter is a member of the ISO C++ standardization committee and contributed to the C++11 and C++14 standards.

Phil Nash

Phil is a semi-independent software developer, coach and consultant – working in as diverse fields as finance, agile coaching and iOS development. A long time C++ developer he also has his feet in C#, F#, Objective-C and Swift – as well as dabbling in other languages. He is the author of several open source projects – most notably Catch: a C++-native test framework.

Raphael Meyer

Raphael Meyer is an engineer working in embedded software development. He likes to participate in development of devices and machines, but is often worried about the preference of tinkering over engineering in embedded software. He has a degree in computer science with a minor in Japanology.

Robert Chatley

Robert is a visiting lecturer in Software Engineering at Imperial College London, and at the University of Oxford. Commercially Robert works as a consultant, coach and trainer with a focus on agile development.

Robert’s previous experience includes working at Google, where he was an engineer on the team responsible for their Tv Ads product. He also acted as an agile coach and conducted training in agile development in Google’s offices throughout the EMEA region. Before joining Google, Robert worked as a technical lead at Kizoom, one of the earliest companies in the UK employing XP at scale. He has chaired the XPDay conference, and acted as programme chair for the SPA conference. Robert holds an MEng degree in Information Systems Engineering and PhD in Software Engineering from Imperial College London.

Robert Smallshire

Robert Smallshire is a founding director of Sixty North, a software consulting and training business in Norway providing services throughout Europe. Robert has worked in senior architecture and technical management roles for several software companies providing tools in the energy sector for dealing with the masses of information flowing from today’s digital oil fields. He has dealt with understanding, designing, advocating and implementing effective architectures for sophisticated scientific and enterprise software in Python, C++, C# and F# and Javascript. Robert is a regular speaker at conferences, meetups and corporate software events and can be found speaking about topics as diverse as behavioural microeconomics in software development to implementing web services on 8-bit microcontrollers. He is organiser of the Oslo Python group and holds a Ph.D. in a natural science.

Robin Williams

Robin has spent over 25 years trying to cram astronomical nebulae into computers and hasn’t given up yet. He has developed code for platforms from embedded control systems to large HPC clusters, in C, C++ and Fortran, and was one of the early developers of the PDL data processing module for Perl.

Roger Orr

I have over 30 years experience in IT, using a variety of languages and platforms and have experienced working for a number of different companies over the years. In 1989 I became a contract computer programmer and have successfully managed to remain at the technical end of IT ever since; my recent work has mostly been in C++ and Java, on Windows and Linux.

I have been a member of ACCU since 1999; I currently run the Code Critique section of CVu and also write the occasional article.

I am a member of the BSI C++ panel, catchily known as IST/5/-/21, and have represented the UK at recent C++ ISO standards meetings.

Schalk Cronjé

Schalk is a freelance product delivery coach and trainer and in many bygone years have fulfilled nearly every role in software development. He has authored "Idiomatic Gradle: 25 Recipes for Plugin Authors", which is available on Leanpub. He maintains a strong open-source contribution. He has authored or contributed to many Gradle plugins and is also the maintainer of the Groovy VFS library. He also serves as a member of the Agile Testing Alliance’s international steering committee. He can be found on Twitter as @ysb33r.

Seb Rose

Seb wrote his first commercial software in the early 80s on an Apple II. He went on to graduate from the University of Edinburgh with a Joint Honours in Computer Science and Electronics. Over the past six years, he has focused on helping teams adopt and refine their agile practices.

Seb was a founding trainer with Kickstart Academy, has more than 30 years of industry experience (including IBM Rational and Amazon), and has been a speaker at many national and international conferences. He is the lead author of "The Cucumber for Java Book" from Pragmatic Press

Stephen Dewhurst

Steve is the author of numerous articles on C++ programming techniques and compiler design, is the author of C++ Common Knowledge and C++ Gotchas, and is the co‐author of Programming in C++. He is a member of the advisory board for The C++ Source, was programming track chair for the Embedded Systems Conference, and was a visiting scientist at the Software Engineering Institute/CERT at Carnegie Mellon University. At Bell Laboratories, Steve worked with Bjarne Stroustrup on the first public release of the language and cfront C++ compiler, and has developed two other C++ compilers. Steve was a contributing editor for The C/C++ User’s Journal, a principal lecturer at The C++ Seminar, was a member of the editorial board of and columnist for C++ Report, co‐founder and member of the editorial board of The C++ Journal, and a Visiting Professor of Computer Science at Jackson State University.

Steve Freeman

Steve Freeman, author of Growing Object Oriented Software, Guided by Tests (Addison-Wesley), is a Technical Principal at Springer Nature in London. Steve was a pioneer of Agile software development in the UK. He has developed software for a range of institutions, from small vendors to multinational investment banks. Steve trains and consults for software teams around the world. Previously, he has worked in research labs and software houses, earned a PhD (Cambridge), written shrink-wrap applications for IBM, and taught at University College London. Steve is a presenter and organiser at international industry conferences, and was chair of the first London XpDay.

Sven Rosvall

Sven has a long career in many markets and technologies. He has a keen interest in quality and passionate about Agile practices. He has experience with building services from several companies and used various monitoring techniques to improve the services and understand customer needs and experiences.

Sławomir Zborowski

Sławomir is a natural born geek. When he was 12 he started hacking Commodore 64 with BASIC and little assembly. His further choices led him to other programming languages and he finally discovered C++ and Python – his current languages of choice. He’s interested in everything that has something to do with computers – especially topics like algorithms, distributed systems, OS internals, and compiler design.

Thomas Guest

Thomas Guest is an experienced and enthusiastic software developer who likes puzzles, programming, running and noodles. His website is

Willem van den Ende

Software developer and consultant, always looking for better and more fun ways to develop software, and helping others do the same. Independent at, partner in

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