Alan Lenton
Alan Lenton specialises in client/server architecture and C++ programming. He uses the cross platform Qt libraries to build rich client applications. He is also the designer, architect and programmer of ibgames massively multi-player game, Federation 2, which celebrated its 20th birthday last year.
Alan has been programming in C and C++ since the first commercial compilers were available, and has been developing and running applications on Linux since 1993. He describes himself as a pragmatic open source evangelist, and produces a weekly technology and internet newsletter called Winding Down.
Alan is currently working towards an MSc in Computer Security.
Alisdair Meredith
Alisdair Meredith is the UK's leading technical expert on C++0x, and been an active participant of the standard process since the inception of C++0x. His early exposure to C++ came with a decade of experience in Forumla 1 racing, and has more recently been responsibe for the CodeGear C++Builder product line.Allan Kelly
Allan Kelly, BSc, MBA is the author of "Changing Software Development: Learning to become Agile". After 10 years as a software engineer building software and leading teams he realised there was more to managing software development than meets the eye so he moved to management. He now helps companies and teams improve software development practices, process and better meet their customer needs using Agile techniques. He believes the key to successfully implementing Agile is team involvement and the next big challenge is to move Agile into the business. More about Allan, past writing and presentations can be found on http://www.allankelly.net.Andrei Alexandrescu
Angelika Langer
Angelika Langer works as an independent trainer with a curriculum of Java and C++ courses. She is co-author of a column named "Effective Java" for the German magazine JavaMagazin. She enjoys speaking at conferences all over the world, including JavaOne, OOPLSA, JAX to name a few. Her teaching focuses on advanced C++ and Java programming and concurrent programming. Further information can be found at www.AngelikaLanger.com.Anthony Williams
Anthony is the author of C++ Concurrency in Action published by Manning. He was author or co-author for many of the papers resulting in the C++0x thread library, and has written a complete implementation of that library. He has been developing in C++ for over 10 years, and multi-threaded applications for almost as long.Astrid Byro
Bernhard Merkle
Bernhard Merkle works as a Software Architect and Engineer for Software Engineering in the central Research & Development Department at SICK AG, one of the worlds leading producers of sensors and sensor solutions. He serves as internal consultant for the complete Software Development Cycle and is responsible for Process- and Methods-Selection as well as Tool-Evaluation and Introduction. In his spare time he gives a lecture about MDSD (Model Driven Software Development) at the University of Furtwangen in the Faculty Application Architecture Master. In his previous job, he worked at a MDA-Tool vendor where he accomplished Client projects using MDA and Modelling-Languages and gave trainings about MDA, J2EE, CORBA, Java and C++. He regularly writes technical Articles about those and new technologies in IT-magazines and also gave sessions at various conferences (e.g. ACCU, Codegeneration, Conquest, OOP and IX).Derek Jones
Detlef Vollmann
Detlef Vollmann has a background of 25 years in software engineering, about 20 years in object technology and more than 15 years with embedded systems. He is an active member of the C++ standardization committee and one of the authors of the C++ performance report. He designs and implements embedded systems with and without Linux since 1990. He's now responsible to support teams world-wide that use embedded Linux systems. Since 1991, he has authored and taught seminars, tutorials and short presentations about C++, object-oriented technologies, software architecture, embedded design and distributed computing for major Swiss companies and at international conferences.Didier Verna
Dr. Didier Verna has a Ph.D. in Computer Science and is currently working as an assistant professor for EPITA, a private computer science university located in Paris. He gives lectures on Operating Systems, Computer Graphics, Functional Programming and Typesetting. His research interests include Genericity, Performance, Object Orientation and Functional Programming, all in one language: Common Lisp. Didier Verna is also quite involved in free software: he has been one of the core maintainers of XEmacs for 10 years. He is also the author of several LaTeX packages (FiNK, FiXme, QCM and CurVe) and an occasional contributor to other Free Software projects (the GNU Autotools most notably; he was one of the technical reviewers for the "Goat Book"). Didier Verna currently organizes the European Lisp Workshop co-located every year with ECOOP, and is a member of the European Lisp Symposium steering committee.Dietmar Kuehl
Dietmar Kuehl is a software developer at Bloomberg L.P. working on high performance systems feeding financial exchange data into the internal system. In the past, he has done mainly consulting for software projects in the banking area. He is a regular attendee of the ANSI/ISO C++ standards committee and a moderator of the newsgroup comp.lang.c++.moderated.Diomidis Spinellis
Diomidis Spinellis is an Associate Professor in the Department of Management Science and Technology at the Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece. His research interests include software engineering, computer security, and programming languages. He has written the two "Open Source Perspective" books: "Code Reading" (Software Development Productivity Award 2004), and "Code Quality" (Software Development Productivity Award 2007), and more than 100 scientific papers. He is a member of the IEEE Software editorial board, authoring the regular "Tools of the Trade" column. Dr. Spinellis is a FreeBSD committer and the developer of UMLGraph and other open-source software packages, libraries, and tools. He holds an MEng in Software Engineering and a PhD in Computer Science, both from Imperial College London. Dr. Spinellis is a senior member of the ACM, and a member of the IEEE, and the UsenixEwan Milne
Giovanni Asproni
Giovanni is a freelance contractor and consultant living in the UK. Despite the fact that he often gets hired as an architect, team leader, trainer, and mentor, he is a programmer at heart with a taste for simple code. He is a regular conference speaker, and a member of the committee of the London XPDay conference and the conference chair of the ACCU conference. Giovanni is a member of the ACCU, the AgileAlliance, the ACM and the IEEE Computer Society.Graham Lee
Graham is a senior Mac software engineer at Sophos, and was once described in the press as the "Oxford University UNIX expert". He is a frequent speaker at Mac developer and user groups in the United Kingdom.Guy Bolton King
Guy Bolton King is an independent software developer with experience of most of the popular curly-bracket languages, some of the significant-whitespace languages, and a few of the languages that actually use arrows to point at what happens next. He is constantly surprised at just how much of the software process is getting unwilling things to talk to one another, and is thus even more surprised that no-one has written the software equivalent of a marriage guidance counsellor.Helen Sharp
Helen Sharp is Professor of Software Engineering in the Department of Computing at The Open University. She has been researching the human and social aspects of software practice for many years, and specifically looking at motivation for just over 5 years. She is very active in both the software engineering and interaction design communities and has had a long association with the practitioner-related conferences.Hubert Matthews
James Reinders
James is an expert in the area of parallelism, Intel's leading spokesperson on tools for parallelism, and author of the O'Reilly Nutshell book on the C++ extensions for parallelism provided by the popular Intel(r) Threading Building Blocks. James has decades of experience with high degrees of parallelism, having worked on groundbreaking compilers and architectures such as the systolic arrays WARP and iWarp, and the world's first TeraFLOP supercomputer (ASCI Red). He is a frequent blogger, columnist on go-parallel.com, and the author and co-author of several books.James Siddle
James Siddle works as Software Engineer for IBM, and is interested in programming, software design using patterns, software architecture, and Agile methods. His recent paper "Choose Your Own Architecture - Interactive Pattern Storytelling" (http://www.jamessiddle.net/docs/cyoa.pdf) describes an approach to learning about software design via structured pattern stories, and was recently workshopped at EuroPLoP 2008. In addition to designing and developing web-related software for IBM, Jim has previously worked on middleware for phones, telephony management systems, and demand planning software. Jim is a chartered member of the British Computer Society, and a member of the Hillside group.Jason McGuiness
Since graduating from the University of Bristol, Jason has worked for a number of well known international companies as a technical architect/software developer. He is currently working as a Manager at Barclays Capital where he is a Front Office Senior Developer. In 2003-5, Jason took a break from the rigours of professional work and undertook a period of research on the topic of 'The Challenges of Writing Software for Massively Parallel Architectures'. For which he was awarded an MSc by Research from the University of Hertfordshire in 2007. During the course of his research, Jason has given seminars in the USA, in the Netherlands and to the BCS, IET and ACCU in the UK. He has also presented a conference paper in China, which has subsequently been published in Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Jason is also involved in the threading area of the C++ standardisation effort.John Lakos
John Lakos, author of "Large Scale C++ Software Design.", serves at Bloomberg LP in New York City as a senior architect and mentor for C++ Software Development world-wide. Previously, Dr. Lakos directed the design and development of infrastructure libraries for proprietary analytic financial applications and later for Global Information Technologies at Bear Stearns. For 12 years prior, Dr. Lakos developed large frameworks and advanced ICCAD applications at Mentor Graphics, for which he holds multiple software patents. His academic credentials include a Ph.D. in Computer Science ('97) and an Sc.D. in Electrical Engineering ('89) from Columbia University. Dr. Lakos received his undergraduate degrees from MIT in Mathematics ('82) and Computer Science ('81). His next book, entitled "Large-Scale C++, Volume I: Process and Architecture", is anticipated in 2009.Juha-Pekka Tolvanen
Bio: Juha-Pekka Tolvanen is the CEO of MetaCase. He has been involved in model-driven approaches, metamodeling, and domain-specific modelling languages and tools since 1991. He has acted as a consultant worldwide on modelling language and code generator development. Juha-Pekka has authored a book on Domain-Specific Modelling (Wiley 2008) and written over sixty articles for software development magazines and conferences. He holds a Ph.D. in computer science and he is an adjunct professor at the University of Jyvaskyla, Finland.Jutta Eckstein
Jutta Eckstein, a partner of IT communication, is an independent consultant and trainer from Braunschweig, Germany. Her know-how in agile processes is based on over ten years experience in developing object-oriented applications. She has helped many teams and organizations all over the world to make the transition to an agile approach. She has a unique experience in applying agile processes within medium-sized to large mission-critical projects. This is also the topic of her book 'Agile Software Development in the Large'. Besides engineering software she has been designing and teaching OT courses in industry. Having completed a course of teacher training and led many 'train the trainer' programs in industry, she focuses also on techniques which help teach OT and is a main lead in the pedagogical patterns project. She has presented work in her main areas at ACCU (UK), JAOO (Denmark), OOPSLA (USA), SD West, SD Best Practices (both USA), XP (Europe) and Agile (USA).Karl Scotland
Karl is a versatile software practitioner with a wide range of skills, including development, project management, team leadership, coaching and training. He has worked on domains including multimedia, neural network, interactive TV, billing and the web, and has experienced both a complete lack of process, and an overly rigorous one. When he discovered XP, and was given the opportunity to use it, he embraced it enthusiastically, and has never looked back. Karl is currently an Agile Coach with Conchango. Previously, he has been an Engineering Program Manager with Yahoo! Europe, championing agile software development within the London office, and he spent 5 years with BBC Interactive, leading a team that developed software which delivered 78 services in 12 months, a feat which could not have been achieved without agility.Keith Braithwaite
Bio: Keith is a Principal Consultant with Zuhlke in London. He leads the Centre for Agile Practice, a group focussed on Agile development training, coaching and project execution. He has applied these ideas to systems ranging from mobile handset OS's to financial payment systems, and to groups ranging from solo in-house development to world-wide distributed teams. He is a well-known speaker at the Spa, XpDay and Agile conferences. Blog http://peripateticaxiom.blogspot.com website http://www.keithbraithwaite.demon.co.uk/professionalKevlin Henney
Kevlin Henney is an independent consultant and trainer who specialises in programming languages and techniques, OO design, patterns, software architecture and agile development. He is coauthor of two volumes in the Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture series and a past, present and (undoubtedly) future columnist and contributor for many publications, both online and on tree. Kevlin is also a long-standing member of the ACCU and a regular speaker at ACCU conferences.Kirk Pepperdine
A Java Champion since September 2005, Kirk Pepperdine is a primary contributor to javaperformancetuning.com, which is widely regarded as the premier site for Java performance tuning information, and is the coauthor of Ant Developer's Handbook. He has been building and tuning large distributed applications over the years. This work has involved a variety of languages including Cray Assembler, C, Smalltalk, and staring in 1997, Java technologies. Kirk speaks often about performance at numerous conference. He as also authored many articles on the subject and has co-authored ANT Developer's Handbook.Klaus Marquardt
Klaus Marquardt works for Dräger Medical in international projects building life supporting devices. He is particularly interested in the integration of different software worlds and attitudes, and in the mutual influences of technology, humans, processes, and organization. In the late 1990'ies he started to publish patterns, in particular about extensible architectures, performance tuning, and diagnoses of systems and organisations. He has run sessions at many conferences including OOPSLA, JAOO, OOP, and ACCU, and served as program chair of EuroPLoP 2004.Linda Rising
- Deception and Estimation: How We Fool Ourselves
- Fearless Change: Patterns for Introducing New Ideas
- The Benefits of Abstraction in Patterns
Mark Dalgarno
- Reverse Engineering Patterns: I wouldn't start from here if I were you.
- What Motivates Software Developers?
Michael Feathers
Michael Foord
Michael Foord has been developing with Python since 2003. He writes and blogs about Python and IronPython far more that is healthy for one individual. He also maintains several Open Source projects - some of which people even use. As the Resolver Systems Community Champion he has spoken internationally about Resolver One and IronPython, whilst authoring the book "IronPython in Action". Michael maintains the IronPython Cookbook and IronPython URLs websites and in 2008 was made the first Microsoft MVP for Dynamic Languages.Mike Hill
Mike Hill is an Agile coach and software developer who has been developing software applications since 1993. Since 2001, Mike has been helping Agile software development teams deliver working software, and is a presenter at international industry conferences and helps to organise London XPDay.Nat Pryce
Nicolai Josuttis
Niels Malotaux
Niels Malotaux is an independent Project Coach and expert in optimizing project performance. He has well over 30 years experience in designing electronic hardware and software systems, at Delft University, in the Dutch Army, at Philips Electronics and 20 years leading his own systems design company. Since 1998 he devotes his expertise to helping projects to deliver Quality On Time: delivering what the customer needs, when he needs it, to enable customer success. To this effect, Niels developed an approach for effectively teaching Evolutionary Project Management (Evo) Methods, Requirements Engineering, and Review and Inspection techniques. Since 2001, he taught and coached some 100 projects in 25+ organizations in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, India, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Romania, South Africa and the US, which led to a wealth of experience in which approaches work better and which work less in practice.Oliver Sturm
Oliver Sturm is an experienced software architect, developer, trainer and author, with a strong background in various different fields including system and framework architecture and design, process modeling and user interface design. He is a C# MVP and he works for Developer Express as a Technical Evangelist and Lead Program Manager for the Frameworks Division.Paul Grenyer
Speaker biography: Paul has been programming in one form or another for over 20 years. After several years using C++ and a brief period using C#, Paul has now ended up somewhere he hoped he'd never be, programming in Java, and finding he really quite likes it. After time in industries such as marking machinery, direct mail, mobile phones, investment banking and Internet TV, Paul is currently working for an exciting new insurance industry based startup in Norwich. He has been an ACCU member since 2001, a regular publications contributor (including the new Desert Island Books column), creator of the mentored developers and a committee member for most of that time. When he's not programming or getting used to married life and being a step parent, Paul thoroughly enjoys science fiction, heavy metal and cycling.Pete Goodliffe
Pete Goodliffe is a programmer, a software development columnist, and author. He never stays at the same place in the software food chain. He has a passion for curry and doesn't wear shoes.Peter Sommerlad
Peter Sommerlad is professor and head of Institute for Software at HSR Hochschule fr Technik, Rapperswil. He is a well-known Patterns author (POSA, Security Patterns) and considers himself a test-infected programmer. His research headline is "Decremental Development" and he tries to achieve this with Refactoring plug-ins for Eclipse development tools for non-java languages.Phil Nash
Phil Nash has worked in the software industry for over sixteen years, usually in developer or architect roles, in areas from servers and grids to desktop applications to embedded devices, on projects from a one man team to a team of over twenty in size and for organizations from five persons to internationally recognised names and has worked in numerous countries across three continents. Whilst having tried his hand at many areas of application he has always come back to and specialized in the C and C++ family of languages. More recently he has crossed over to Objective-C and successfully launched a game for the iPhone and iPod touch.Ric Parkin
Ric has been programming for 20-odd years in a variety of languages and companies, joined ACCU in 2000 and is now editing Overload. He has always had a slight obsession about avoiding memory and resource leaks, but knows that doing it everywhere manually is error-prone.Richard Harris
Richard Harris has been writing software for financial regulation for the last 10 years, principally in C++. The themes of simulation and modelling have been recurrent throughout his career, from his background in Artificial Intelligence to the statistical models employed in the insurance and banking industries.Robert Martin
Robert C. Martin (Uncle Bob) has been a software professional since 1970 and is founder and president of Object Mentor Inc., in Gurnee, Illinois. Object Mentor, Inc., is an international firm of highly experienced software developers and managers who specialize in helping companies get their projects done. Object Mentor offers process improvement consulting, object-oriented software design consulting, training, and skill development services to major corporations worldwide. Mr. Martin has published dozens of articles in various trade journals, and is a regular speaker at international conferences and trade shows. Mr. Martin has authored and edited many books including: * Designing Object Oriented C++ Applications using the Booch Method * Patterns Langauages of Program Design 3 * More C++ Gems * Extreme Programming in Practice * Agile Software Development: Principles, Patterns, and Practices. * UML for Java Programmers * Clean Code A leader in the industry of software development, Mr. Martin served three years as the editor-in-chief of the C++ Report, and he served as the first chairman of the Agile Alliance.Roger Orr
I have over 20 years experience in IT, using a variety of languages and platforms and have experienced working for a number of different companies over the years. In 1989 I became a contract computer programmer and have successfully managed to remain at the technical end of IT ever since; my recent work has mostly been in C++ and Java, on Windows and Linux. I've worked on a number of projects where existing code needed major surgery to enable new functionality or to cope with changes in operating system or tool chain. I have been a member of ACCU since 1999; I currently run the Code Critique section of CVu and also write the occasional article for CVu and Overload.Roland Tritsch
- RESTful Services and Distributed OSGi - Friends or Foes
- AJAX for Mobile Devices - Using Apache Projects to get the job done
Russel Winder
Russel was originally a theoretical particle physicist but decided in 1980 that being a UNIX systems programmer was more fun. However, academia continued to call and he moved to UCL to lecture in programming, software engineering and human--computer interaction, and do research on parallel programming languages and socio-technical aspects of software development. After 13 years at UCL, Russel moved to KCL to be Professor of Computing Science. Having revamped the teaching programme, continued the research on parallel programming languages, and started research programmes in health informatics, it was time for new challenges so he left KCL to become CTO of OneEighty Software Ltd, a company using novel virtual machine approaches to embedded systems. Unfortunately, the money ran out for this start-up before the orders flooded in and so it had to fold. Since then, Russel has been a consultant, analyst, trainer (Java SE, Java ME, Groovy and Python) and author ("Developing Java Software" third edition, and "Python for Rookies"). The recent rise of multicore processors means that parallelism has finally arrived (after 30 years of being the coming technology), so Russel with two colleagues started a new consultancy practice (Concertant LLP) undertaking consultancy, analysis and management work in all areas of parallelism and concurrency. Russel is centrally involved with the development of the Groovy programming language, is author of the Gant Ant task scripting framework, and contributes to the Gradle and SCons build frameworks.Sami Vaaraniemi
Sami Vaaraniemi has worked as a software developer since 1992 for large and small companies, including Nokia Research Center, Microsoft and his own business. He studied in Helsinki University majoring in Computer Science. Currently Sami Vaaraniemi works as a Senior Software Development Engineer at Microsoft Ireland.Schalk Cronje
Schalk Cronje has 20 years of experience in the software industry. He currently manages a software group within McAfee Avert Labs--McAfee's security research unit--which is responsible for implementing business process and intelligence systems. Besides delivering business value, he focuses on helping software engineers realise their true potential.Seb Rose
Simon Thompson
Simon Thompson is Professor of Logic and Computation in the Computing Laboratory of the University of Kent, where he has taught computing at undergraduate and postgraduate levels for the past twenty five years, and where he has been department head for the last six.His research work has centered on functional programming: program verification, type systems, and most recently development of software tools for functional programming languages. His team has built the HaRe tool for refactoring Haskell programs, and is currently developing Wrangler to do the same for Erlang. His research has been funded by various agencies including EPSRC and the European Framework programme. His training is as a mathematician: he has an MA in Mathematics from Cambridge and a D.Phil. in mathematical logic from Oxford.
He has written three books in his field of interest; Type Theory and Functional Programming published in 1991; Miranda: The Craft of Functional Programming (1995) and Haskell: The Craft of Functional Programming (2nd ed. 1999). These are all published by Addison Wesley. He is writing "Erlang Programming" for O'Reilly, with co-author Francesco Cesarini of Erlang Training and Consulting, to be published in June 2009.
Stephen Blair-chappell
Stephen is a Technical Consulting Engineer at Intel, and has worked in the Intel Compiler Lab for the last 10 years. He is a regular speaker at technical conferences in Europe and the US. Prior to joining Intel, Stephen worked as a lecturer at the University of Central England, specializing in Software Engineering and Embedded Systems. As an academic he developed and delivered CPU architecture programming courses for a number of companies including AMD and CAD-UL. Outside work, Stephen enjoys playing the pipe organ, and is an accomplished musical instrument restorer.Steve Freeman
- Programming without getters
- Paradigms of Programming: Lit. Crit. for code.
- Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests