ACCU 2008 Pre-Conference Tutorials

Conference 2008

The ACCU 2008 Pre-conference Tutorial Day

In addition to the excellent programme featured at the ACCU Conference 2008, we are again proud to present the pre-conference tutorial day. Come to the event a day early, and benefit from a full-day tutorial from a leading industry figure. A very popular feature of the previous three conferences, this year we are proud to present  tutorials by Tom Gilb, Joe Armstrong and Nicolai Josuttis. This is a great opportunity to expand your technical knowledge, by learning from the very best.

The pre-conference tutorial day is 01 April 2008, with tutorials running from 10:30 to 17:30.

EVO: The Evolutionary Project Management Method. Practical Rules, Principles & Templates to Practice Evolutionary Project Management

presented by Tom Gilb

A practical and proven way to manage any project with focus on high, immediate, measurable, estimated, continuous, stakeholder-value delivery.

Fun with Erlang

presented by Joe Armstrong

"Fun with Erlang" is a one day tutorial designed to give you some feeling for what you can do with Erlang.

During the day I will attempt the impossible - we'll try and make a networked application, then we'll show how to make the application fault-tolerant and how we can go in and change it on the fly without disrupting the service.

We'll start with a lightning tour through Erlang - highlighting those parts of the language that we'll use to make our application.

In the afternoon we'll build and run the application, this will run on the laptops in the classroom.

If you're going to actively participate you'll need a laptop with wireless connectivity and the latest version of Erlang installed. I'm not going to tell you how to Install Erlang. If you can't do this you're looking at the wrong tutorial.

SOA in Practice

presented by Nicolai Josuttis

SOA (service-oriented architecture) is hype. According to Gartner, by 2008 SOA will be the basis for 80% of development projects. However, projects behind this hype are still rare. There might be a lot of technical knowledge out there regarding SOA, but its key success factors include processes and organizations.

In this tutorial, Nicolai Josuttis will separate the SOA hype from reality. As a team leader of the realization of a SOA at a world-wide phone company with a heterogeneous infrastructure with more than 10 million service calls per day, he knows about the big difference between was is being said and promised about SOA and what it means in practice to run a SOA in a large and heterogeneous environment.

The tutorial will cover the following topics:

  • Large systems and loose coupling
  • SOA as a concept
  • Classification of services
  • Message exchange patterns
  • Service lifecycles (incl. versioning)
  • The impact of performance and security
  • Web Services
  • Service management (repositories)
  • Model-driven service development
  • Organizational consequences
  • The business case of SOA
  • Establishing SOA

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