ACCU 2007 - ISO C++ and C Standards Meetings

Conference 2007

C++ and C committees meeting in Oxford and London

Immediately following the ACCU Conference, the international C++ standard committee (WG21) convenes for a week-long meeting at the same venue, the Paramount Oxford Hotel. As the hosts, ACCU are grateful for the generous financial assistance provided by sponsors listed below. If you meet someone from these organisations at the conference, please make a personal expression of appreciation for their support of this important work.

And following the C++ committee meeting, the C standard committee (WG14) convenes its semi-annual meeting in London, April 23-27. This event is hosted by ACCU member Neil Martin of TFJ Ltd, and sponsored by accounting firm SumIT (UK) Ltd.

The WG21 meeting begins on Sunday evening, April 15, in a session restricted to delegates accredited by their national standards bodies, and then convenes jointly with the ANSI J16 C++ group all day on Monday through Friday. Committee members generally welcome visitors who want to see the standards process in action.

ACCU are extremely grateful for the generosity of these companies in sponsoring the standards committee meetings:

Google About Google:
Google's innovative search technologies connect millions of people around the world with information every day. Founded in 1998 by Stanford Ph.D. students Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Google today is a top web property in all major global markets. Google's targeted advertising program, which is the largest and fastest growing in the industry, provides businesses of all sizes with measurable results, while enhancing the overall web experience for users. Google is headquartered in Silicon Valley with offices throughout North America, Europe, and Asia. For more information, visit

Adobe Systems Adobe Systems

Gimpel SoftwareGimpel Software

Perennial Perennial

Hewlett PackardHewlett Packard

Oracle Oracle UK


SumIT (UK) Ltd SumIT (UK) Ltd

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