ACCU 2007 Rates and Booking

Conference 2007

Still the best value for money event of its kind

We have always been proud that the ACCU Conference represents the best value for money of any event of it's kind. You will enjoy a world-class programme, at a budget price. Book early to take advantage of the Early Bird rates, only available until the 28th February. And in order to take advantage of ACCU Member rates, why not join the ACCU here?

Early bird rates (valid until 28th Feb):
4-Day Daily Pre-conference
ACCU Member
£425 £120 £120
£525 £145 £145
£300 £95 £95

Full rates:
4-Day Daily Pre-conference
ACCU Member
£525 £145 £145
£625 £170 £170
£300 £95 £95

The Conference Dinner will be held on Friday 13th April, tickets are again £50.00

All fees subject to VAT at 17.5%. A booking fee of 2.5% will be added to all credit card payment transactions and 45 pence for debit card transactions.

The conference takes place at the Paramount Oxford Hotel in Godstow, north Oxford. Accomodation at the Oxford can be booked at a discounted rate along with your conference attendence.

Hotel rates:
Room Type
Room Rate
Double for Single Occupancy
Double room for two people
Twin room for two people

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