ACCU 2007 Pre-Conference Tutorials

Conference 2007

The ACCU 2007 Pre-conference Tutorial Day

In addition to the impressive programme featured at the ACCU Conference 2007, we are again proud to present the pre-conference tutorial day. Come to the event a day early, and benefit from a full-day tutorial from a leading industry figure. A very popular feature of the previous two conferences, this year we are proud to present  tutorials by Mary & Tom Poppendieck, Kevlin Henney and Hubert Matthews. This is a great opportunity to expand your technical knowledge, by learning from the very best.

The pre-conference tutorial day is 10 April 2007, with tutorials running from 10:30 to 17:30.

Implementing Lean Software Development

presented by Mary & Tom Poppendieck

Practical approaches for applying lean principles to software development

As global competitiveness comes to the software development industry, the search is on for a better way to create first-class software rapidly, repeatedly, and reliably. Lean initiatives in manufacturing, logistics, and services have led to dramatic improvements in cost, quality and delivery time; they can do the same for software development.

Of the many methods that have arisen to improve software development, Lean is emerging as one that is grounded in decades of work understanding how to make processes better. Lean thinking focuses on giving customers what they want, when and where the want it, without a wasted motion or wasted minute.

This tutorial provides an introduction to applying lean principles such as Rapid Response, Constant Learning, Built-in Quality, Local Responsibility and Global Optimization to software development.

Hands-on Agile Development Workshop

presented by Kevlin Henney

Kevlin HenneyAgile development processes are intended to help developers avoid the problems of analysis paralysis, big up-front design, rushed testing and changing requirements. They treat analysis and design as continuous activities that start early in development but continue throughout, rather than as segregated phases divorced from other development activities.

Development is dynamically planned as incremental and iterative. Coding and testing are considered together and from an early stage in development. In particular, incremental design, continuous testing and responsive refactoring make up the programmer-facing discipline of Test-Driven Development (TDD). The goal of this workshop is to offer attendees hands-on experience of many of the practices involved in the construction phase of a development lifecycle.

As its title suggests, this tutorial is actually a workshop! Attendees will learn about the development side of agile development by doing it. It is based on undertaking four rapid sprints of development, working on a clearly bounded and well-defined problem. The emphasis is on scope management, iteration planning, TDD, pair programming and other practices and principles drawn from agile approaches such as Extreme Programming, Scrum and Lean Software Development, with guidance and feedback both during and in between iterations. This promises to be a good learning experience and a good workout for any attendee!

Audience: Developers with at least basic C++ skills. Deep C++ knowledge and TDD experience are not a prerequisite.

Notes: At least 50% attendees will be required to bring a laptop, so bringing a laptop as default is considered to be the best option. Laptops will need to have a reasonably standard C++ compiler installed (so VC6 won't cut it) and an editor that is easily usable without years of training, no matter how brilliant it might otherwise be (so, the need to master meta keys or modes is out). Time management is important to the running of the workshop, so late arrivals may find that they miss out.

C++ Productivity

presented by Hubert Matthews

This tutorial is for C++ programmers who want to get more done. Mixing hands-on practical coding exercises with discussions and reflection, it covers a wide range of C++ idioms and techniques, use of the Standard Library and the STL, as well as scrutinising some conventional and received wisdom about C++ and object-oriented design. We will also discuss some of the self-imposed mental blocks that slow down development.

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