Conference Archives

17th - 20th April 2024 ACCU 2023 was an on-site / hybrid event 2024-04-17 to 2024-04-20 plus two days full day tutorials on 2024-04-15 and 2024-04-16. These webpages are acting as a record of the conference: The content will be transferred within the next weeks from the dynamic to the static pages.

ACCU 2023 was an on-site event 2023-04-19 to 2023-04-22 plus two days full day tutorials on 2023-04-17 and 2023-04-18. These webpages are acting as a record of the conference: The content will be transferred within the next weeks from the dynamic to the static pages. News items. The schedule as happened. Blurbs of the sessions. Bios of the presenters.

ACCU 2022 was a hybrid event from 2022-04-06 to 2022-04-09 plus two days full day tutorials on 2022-04-04 and 2022-04-05. These two webpages are acting as a record of the conference: Event page - Sponsor overview The schedule as happened. News items.

ACCU 2021 was a virtual event from 2021-03-09 to 2021-03-14 – Tuesday 2021-03-09, the first and last day were some full day workshops; the conference ran from Wednesday 2021-03-09 to, and including, Saturday 2021-03-13. There are various webpages acting as a record of the conference: Sponsors. The schedule as happened. Blurbs of the sessions. Bios of the presenters.

ACCU 2020 was due to take place at Bristol Marriott Hotel City Centre 2020-03-24 to 2020-03-28 – Tuesday 2020-03-24, the first day was, as ever, to have been some full day workshops; the conference was due to run from Wednesday 2020-03-25 to, and including, Saturday 2020-03-28. However due to the Covid-19 coronavirus situation in 2020, the conference was cancelled. There are various webpages acting as a record of the organising of the cancelled conference:

Click on a logo for more information about that conference.

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