ACCU Conference News

ACCU Autumn 2019 Call Extended

By Jamie Allsop

24 May 2019

Extension to Call for Proposals Close Date

Due to requests from some members of WG21 who wish to add proposals but for various reasons have been unable to, and also local Belfast groups who did not receive notification of the Call for Proposals in good time, I’ve decided to extend to close date until the 16th of June. This may result in a 3rd track at the conference if the quality of proposals matches those already received but I’ll separately announce that after the extension is closed and all proposals have been reviewed.

I’d like to thank all those who have already submitted proposals and will invite you to use the additional time to make amendments or adjustments to your proposal if needed, or even consider writing up another one!

The Call for Proposals for the ACCU Autumn 2019 Conference to be held 2019-11-11 to 2019-11-12 at Hilton Hotel in Belfast is now open. Go to to register and submit a proposal.

This conference abuts the WG21 committee meeting so expect lots of C++ folk to be around.

Swapping Keynotes

21 February 2019

We published the ACCU 2019 schedule a month ago. There is the usual disclaimer that the schedule is subject to change without notice till the end of the conference – at which point the schedule is a record of the history so no further changes are possible. This usually means just amendments to the sessions, quickies, side events, or social events, as the keynotes are normally fixed points.

This year an unusual situation means we need to swap two of the keynotes: Herb’s Saturday closing keynote has become Thursday’s opening keynote; and Kate’s Thursday opening keynote has become Saturday’s closing keynote. Given the circumstances this year, this was unfortunately The Right Thing To Do™ even though it is a change to the keynotes post publication of the schedule.

The ACCU 2019 Schedule

20 January 2019

So a few days before the deadline, but later than we (The Programme Committee) would have liked, here is the ACCU 2019 schedule.

Obviously there are a few details missing, these will be filled in as the data comes in, but the schedule is in place and we believe is a very strong programme.

People have already started registering for the pre-conference workshops and the conference itself – registering early is always good, especially for the pre-conference workshops.

T-Shirt Competition

14 January 2019

Each ACCU conference has a t-shirt design competition to provide the design for the year’s conference t-shirt. This year is no different.

This year’s conference social theme is Artificial Intelligence. The reason for this will become extremely apparent during the conference.

So we want designs based on the idea of "artificial intelligence". Obviously the design will be t-shirt sized when printed so do bear this in mind when making submissions, both in terms of design and in terms of resolution of the submitted image.

In past years we have announced the competition at the beginning of January with a four week submission period. Due to "stuff happens" things were not put in train early enough this year. However, since we must go to print at the end of January, we will have to go with a two week submission period. Sorry about this.

So design ideas to by 2019-01-28T12:00+00:00.

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