ACCU Conference News

Announcing Some Sponsors

7 December 2016

Conferences like ACCU are always that much better when there are appropriate and good exhibitors and sponsors. Exhibitors and sponsors add an extra dimension to the breaks, the corridor track, and the evening activities, all of which which are important aspects of ACCU: interaction and "networking" are an integral part of the conference. Not quite as important as high quality content of the sessions, but a very important factor nonetheless.

We are currently in negotiations with a number of exhibitors and sponsors, but whilst negotiations are in progress it is right and proper to say nothing. Three sponsors have however concluded negotiations and have "signed on the dotted line". So we are very pleased to announce that JetBrains, Undo, and Mosaic are sponsors for ACCU 2017. We are very pleased to display our sponsors logos on all our pages in recognition of the sponsorship provided.

So the Call for Sessions for ACCU 2017 is now closed. After a few initial hiccups with the website, things appear to have gone relatively smoothly. Certainly we have many more excellent session proposals than sessions we are going to be able to put on. The programme committee are busy reviewing the proposals, we will soon be having to take some very hard decisions. We have to try and avoid having multiple sessions on the same topic, and having people do more than one 90 minute session, amongst other constraints.

The submission web application has now been put into maintenance mode, it currently says it will be back shortly. This is actually a bit of a fib, it will be back sometime in 2017-10. During its apparent hiatus it will undergo significant reworking: the data model needs to change quite a lot, and the UI needs to change quite a lot. The intention is that the submission experience for ACCU 2018 will be significantly better that the last eight weeks.

However, for the moment it is down to review and selection for ACCU 2017 so to make it a really good conference, and a great experience for all attenders. Given the quality of the proposals, this is actually more or less assured. The problem is selecting from the collection of excellent proposals… hummm… this may take a while…

Herb Sutter at ACCU 2017

29 November 2016

Whilst there is more than one Herb Sutter, there is only one who is a long standing friend of the ACCU conference, and not only knows quite a lot about the C++ language, also knows a lot about how it evolves. This unique Herb Sutter will be giving one of the keynote presentations at ACCU 2017.

Call for Sessions extension

16 November 2016

Now that the conference website is up and running, we are pleased to confirm that the deadline for session proposals has been extended until 2016-12-02T23:58+00:00. That’s a few minutes before the midnight (UTC and Europe/London) that ends Friday 2nd December 2016.

The full details are in Call for Sessions which has been updated to reflect the new submission deadline.

Updated Website

14 November 2016

After some stress and a lot of work, we think we may, just may, have sorted the major problems with the session proposal submission system. This is not to say the system is pretty, but it should be functional: people should be able to register, then login, then submit, and even amend their proposals.

I am hoping that next year, this will all be a lot smoother. And prettier.

If there are any further problems please feel free to submit an issue here and/or email the conference chair.

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