ACCU Conference News

Three new sponsors of ACCU 2017 to note.

The first is Riverblade, a company deeply committed to making software developers' lives better with good development tools. In fact Riverblade signed up as a sponsor a while back, but due to failure on the part of the wetware running this website, their logo was not added to the list of sponsors, and blog entry not posted. This is particularly bad as Riverblade have been a staunch supporter of ACCU conferences for many years. I hope the good folk at Riverblade accept the wetware’s apologies for this error.


The first of our actually newly signed up sponsors is SNSystems. It is great to have this games-oriented company on board. Games may be fun (mostly), but software that implements the games, and perhaps more importantly, the software that implements the tools and frameworks programmers used to write the games software are important bits of software. ACCU members like good software.


Our second new sponsor is Steema. Anyone involved with data is aware that visualisation of that data is a critical part of finding information from that data. Steema contribute to visualisation by making charting software. Expect prizes from them at ACCU 2017.


New schedule app

19 April 2017

In conjunction with his talk on Elm, Austin Bingham of Sixty North AS has put together a new web-based schedule app for ACCU 2017. The app lets you search for topics and speakers, see the daily schedules, and build a personal conference agenda.

Interested in Elm? You can find the project’s source and get involved in its development at the github repository.

QBS Sponsoring ACCU

15 March 2017

QBS has been a staunch supporter of ACCU conferences over the years, and we are very pleased that they have become a sponsor of ACCU 2017. We are sure many attenders will visit their stand to find out about their product line.


Conan the Sponsor

2 March 2017

Many of you will know that JFrog are now the owners of the C++ package management system Conan. Package management in C++ is likely to be as big a "thing" in the C++ community as C++17, and so very important to the development of C++ software development. We are therefore very please to announce that Conan is now a sponsor of ACCU 2017.


ACCU 2017 has another sponsor: we are delighted that Ocado Technology are sponsoring the conference. A first time sponsor of an ACCU conference, I am sure the ACCU community will make them very, very welcome.


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