T-Shirt Competition

20 January 2020

ACCU conferences tend to have themes. Not for the content of the sessions of the conference, obviously. The conference themes are for the more social aspect of the conference. In particular, the conference dinner/supper (choose your preferred label here) on the Friday evening, and the t-shirts, and other bits and bobs.

For reasons that are likely to become very apparent at 2020-03-27T20:30 in the Bristol Suite. As is traditional we are having a competition to allow people to design the conference t-shirt based on the chosen theme.

So if you fancy having a go at designing the ACCU 2020 t-shirt on the theme of "medieval times" send your mock up images to ACCUConf Chair by 2019-02-10T12:00+00:00. We are sure there is a prize, but we are not entirely sure what that is just at the minute[1].

1. But there definitely will be one, and not just a fridge magnet.

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