T-Shirt Competition

14 January 2019

Each ACCU conference has a t-shirt design competition to provide the design for the year’s conference t-shirt. This year is no different.

This year’s conference social theme is Artificial Intelligence. The reason for this will become extremely apparent during the conference.

So we want designs based on the idea of "artificial intelligence". Obviously the design will be t-shirt sized when printed so do bear this in mind when making submissions, both in terms of design and in terms of resolution of the submitted image.

In past years we have announced the competition at the beginning of January with a four week submission period. Due to "stuff happens" things were not put in train early enough this year. However, since we must go to print at the end of January, we will have to go with a two week submission period. Sorry about this.

So design ideas to conference@accu.org by 2019-01-28T12:00+00:00.

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