ACCU 2019 Call for Proposals is Open

5 October 2018

The ACCU 2019 Call for Proposals is now open. It will close 2018-10-26T23:59+01:00.

For further details on ACCU the organisation go to and for further details on ACCU the conference go to

Submission of proposals is by logging in and entering data into the submission Web application at

ACCU has a lot of C++ content, but it has much more: Python, C#, Go, Rust, Java, Kotlin, Lisp, Groovy, JRuby get a look in as programming languages. Also the tools, techniques, and processes of programming are things people present sessions on: ACCU is about anything and everything to do with programming. Main conference sessions are 90 minutes long and are one of:

  • 60 minute presentation with 30 minutes questions and answers[1].

  • a workshop[2].

Sometimes we have 180 minute workshops, i.e. double session ones, because 90 minute is sometimes just not enough!

Lead presenters of main conference sessions are eligible for a "presenter deal" so as to be able to attend the conference even if they cannot get funding for expenses via another route.

We also have "quickies" which are 20 minute sessions, 15 minute presentation and 5 minutes questions and answers. Currently we are not able to provide any form of "presenter deal" for these sessions, but we are looking for sponsors that might enable us to do something for these presenters.

ACCU puts on full day pre-conference workshops/tutorials, i.e. 6 hours with breaks. There is a pre-conference workshop package" for lead presenters of these that includes an honorarium as well as expenses. We are looking for introductory sessions as well as deep dive sessions so as to get wide appeal: Rust for C++ programmers, C++ for people who do not already know it,as well as C++17 and beyond, or using Rust for Python extensions,are just a few of the sorts of thing that would get well received.

The ACCU Programme Committee members review all the proposals submitted and score them. They will from this year also provide "comments to proposers" as well as "comments to the committee". "Comments to the proposers" will be sent to the proposers as a matter of course. Having reviewed all the proposals the committee then meets to select and schedule the selected sessions. This is not an easy task, but it gets done despite this.

1. Some people choose to structure this as 90 minutes of interactive presentation instead of 60 minutes presentation and 30 minutes Q&A, and that is fine – the point is to have interaction and dialogue. A 90 minutes one-way presentation without interaction is not really what we want.
2. A workshop is all about people doing things.

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