The Call For Proposals is Close

29 September 2018

A final reminder: the call for proposals for ACCU 2019 opens next week 2018-10-05 and is open for three weeks till 2018-10-26.

ACCU is a conference about programming. Given the history of the ACCU organisation, there is a lot of C++, and some C, oriented content. However we have Python, Rust, Go, Java, Kotlin, Groovy, Lisp, Ruby indeed any programming language oriented content. Also tools and techniques of programming content: TDD, BDD, Git, Mercurial, CMake, Meson, SCons, concurrency, parallelism, continuous integration, continuous delivery, creating software-based startups, the list isn’t endless but it is big and it is flexible. Any and all content to do with programming is acceptable.

The conference content is entirely created from the submitted proposals. Except for the keynotes. This year we have:

  • Angela Sasse

  • Kate Gregory

  • Paul Grenyer

  • Herb Sutter

as our keynote speakers.

As ever lead presenters of main conference sessions will get a "conference deal".

For further details on ACCU the organisation go to and for further details on ACCU the conference go to

Submission of proposals will be by logging in and entering data into the submission Web application, which when the call is open will be at

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