Proposals for ACCU 2018

15 October 2017

Tomorrow (2017-10-16) at, most likely, some time around 09:01+01:00 the call for proposals for ACCU 2018 sessions will open. The call will close at 2017-11-17T23:59+00:00.

The conference comprises:

  • 90 minute sessions, either:

    • 60 minute presentation with 30 minutes questions and answers[1].

    • a workshop[2].

  • 180 minute workshops[3].

  • 20 minute sessions, 15 minute presentation and 5 minutes questions and answers.

There are also lightning talk sessions, but, as ever, these are organised at the conference: this call is for proposals for just the scheduled sessions. This call is though also for the:

  • full day (6 hour with breaks) pre-conference workshops

Although not part of the conference per se, they are separate pay-for things, we manage them as part of the overall event.

There is a "lead presenter deal" for lead presenters of 90 (and 180) minute sessions. This comprises a free conference ticket, two nights accommodation at the conference hotel, remuneration of travel expenses if needed, and a free ticket to the conference dinner. Sadly it is not possible to provide a "presenter deal" for the 20 minute presentations. Lead presenters of the full-day pre-conference workshops get a free conference ticket, two nights accommodation at the conference hotel, reimbursement of travel expenses if needed, and an honorarium.

We anticipate getting submissions from all the usual suspects, and that is good: an ACCU without the usual suspects would be suspect.

However we really want to see lots of sessions from people not in the set of usual suspects as well. If any "not a usual suspect", or indeed any "usual suspect", wants to discuss an idea before making a proposal please email the conference chair

1. Some people choose to structure this as 90 minutes of interactive presentation instead of 60 minutes presentation and 30 minutes Q&A, and that is fine – the point is to have interaction and dialogue. A 90 minutes one-way presentation without interaction is not really what we want.
2. A workshop is all about people doing things.
3. For the situation when 90 minutes is just too short for the activity.

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