Call for Sessions

20 October 2016

Update 2016-11-14T14:38+00:00, altered URLs and dates.

We invite you to propose a session for this leading software development conference.

We have a long tradition of high quality sessions covering many aspects of software development, from programming languages (e.g. C, C++, D, C#, Go, Rust, Clojure, Erlang, Groovy, Haskell, Java, JavaScript, ECMAScript, Python, Ruby, Scala, etc.), and technologies (libraries, frameworks, databases, etc.) to subjects about the wider development environment such as testing, architecture and design, development process, analysis, patterns, project management, and softer aspects such as team building, communication and leadership. See the 2016 schedule for examples.

Conference sessions are one of:

  • 15 minute session: This format is ideal for presenting a small piece of technical material without the pressure of creating a complete 90 minute session around it.

  • 90 minute session: Typically these sessions are based around a presentation but have lot’s of audience interaction either during the session or as a 30+ minute question/answer/discussion period after a 50(-ish) minute presentation.

  • 90 minute workshop: These sessions are for attenders to do things, based around, for example, problem solving or collaborative work in small groups.

  • 180 minute workshop: For when a 90 minutes is just too short for the topic, this format is a "double session".

  • Pre-Conference tutorial and workshops: a full day that gives the possibility of introducing people to a new subject, or going really quite deeply into an interesting topic.

The conference also has lightning talks, which are 5 minutes in length. These presentations are organized on-the-fly at the conference. Please think about creating and presenting a lightning talk, but these do not need a submission as part of this call for sessions.

Proposals about specific products and technologies will only be considered if they are open source and available for free (at least for non-commercial use) and there is some non-trivial technical content to the session. If you are interested in presenting about a proprietary technology, there are "sponsored sessions" which are outside the standard conference schedule. Also being a conference exhibitor is a very good way of bringing products to the attention of attenders. Please, email for more information.

Presenters of 90 and 180 minute sessions will be offered free conference attendance and financial assistance in the form of contribution to travel and accommodation costs. Presenters of pre-conference session that run will be offered a package of fee, accommodation and travel tailored on a case-by-case basis. (NB The conference organizers reserve the right to cancel a pre-conference session that is scheduled if insufficient people sign up for it.)

To propose a session please first Register on the website. You will then need to Login to the website. On successful login the menu will change to reveal the proposal submission and review entries: navigate to the Submit Proposal page and fill in the proposal form (NB navigating to this link before being logged in will likely result in a server error 500). In case that you want to do a shared presentation, please add the other Presenters/Co-Presenters. In a joint presenter situation, the person completing the proposal will be treated as the proposer and the person to whom conference presenter benefits will be offered.

The Abstract should contain a short description of about 250 words and the expected level of participants/audience: all, beginner, intermediate, expert. This text will be used on the website for those sessions accepted for the conference.

Each person should only put forward one or two proposals.

The Call for Sessions will close at Friday 2016-12-02T23:58+00:00.

Acceptance/rejection emails should be sent out by Friday 2017-01-13.

The full conference schedule should be announced Friday 2017-01-20.

The conference has always benefited from the strength of its programme. Please help us make 2017 another successful event.

Thank you!

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