ACCUConf Dates

26 September 2016

The dates of ACCUConf 2017 have been known for a while but we delayed announcing them formally for reasons which are unlikely to come to light – mostly because we have no idea what they were. However,

  • Full-day Workshops and Tutorials: 2017-04-25

  • Conference: 2017-04-26 to 2017-04-29

are the dates in my diary and the diary of the Archer Yates people who are organising the conference for ACCU. Obviously at this stage we have no idea what the conference content will be as we haven’t had the call for session proposals as yet. I have been waffling about "mid-October to mid-November" to various people, but it seems reasonable to be a bit more specific. We seem to be iterating on:

  • Call for Proposals: 2016-10-17 to 2016-11-17.

We are busy making a website entry form for submitting the proposals. We will be trying it out ourselves in the next few days to ensure it works. Members of the Programme Committee will review the proposals as they come in. A short while after the end of the call for proposals, the Programme Committee will meet, sift the sessions to put into the schedule and make the first cut at the schedule. This is not usually an easy process, so we are likely to leave notification until 2017-01-13. We will of course though inform as soon as we can, preferably well before that date.

So put the dates in your diaries, and prepare you proposals awaiting the opening of the call.

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