ACCU 2024 Bristol Videos, Lightning Talks

Lightning Talk: - Understanding your Processor (1/n)

Lightning Talk: - Welcome to Bristol

Lightning Talk: A New Debugging Mindset

Lightning Talk: A Private Tutorial on C++ chrono

Lightning Talk: Books - C++ Programming, C++ Community, ACCU Study Group & More!

Lightning Talk: Breaking the Imposter Algorithm - Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Lightning Talk: C++ Sequential Considered Harmful

Lightning Talk: Can It Run Doom? - 1993 Classic Doom & Program Efficiency

Lightning Talk: Change the Defaults in C++

Lightning Talk: Checking Functor Arguments in C++

Lightning Talk: CO Routine - Computing Dad Jokes

Lightning Talk: Communication - Learning How to Communicate Effectively

Lightning Talk: Guess what? - Global Farming Practices Degrade Soil Health

Lightning Talk: How To Even Write a Cheque...

Lightning Talk: Infinities: More Than One

Lightning Talk: MOAR Submarines - Vanguard Class Nuclear Submarine

Lightning Talk: Modelling a Standard Committee Proposals as a C++ Coroutine

Lightning Talk: Naval Applications of the C Programming Language

Lightning Talk: Nothing

Lightning Talk: Optimizing C++ Builds - Lessons from Elden Ring for Software Engineering

Lightning Talk: Projections

Lightning Talk: Rating Movies and Reflecting on Code Quality

Lightning Talk: Smart Pointers in C++ Are Not Pointers

Lightning Talk: SRP for Function Calls in C++

Lightning Talk: Submarine Spying

Lightning Talk: The XZ Backdoor and a 40 Year Old Prediction

Lightning Talk: Typesetting With Brian Kernighan

Lightning Talk: What Did You Do?

Lightning Talk: What I Learned About C++ Recently

Lightning Talk: What is an Expert

Lightning Talk: What WWII Can Teach Us About Software Development

Lightning Talk: What’s the World’s Deadliest Military Vehicle?

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