Keynote: Reflection in C++26 - Welcome to the meta::[[verse]]!

By Inbal Levi

With a proposal slated to introduce reflection to C++26 (including the “std::meta” namespace) getting strong support in WG21, we can already start imagining a whole new world of possibilities. In this session, we will dive into reflection and its transformative potential within our codebases.

We will start with an introduction of utilities from the reflection proposal.

Then, we delve deeper into practical applications and demonstrate solutions to problems that commonly use reflection and the power it holds.

For the last part, we will explore the possibilities within “Reflection Libraries". This includes both “traditional” libraries which provide functionality, and more “novel” approaches which reshape users’ code. We will look at examples of what such libraries can cover, and demonstrate potential directions the future holds.

Join us as we traverse the meta::

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