Keynote: Safety, Security, Safety [sic] and C/C++ [sic]

By Herb Sutter

As the world’s threats and dangers evolve, so too must our tools. Sometimes a tool can evolve sufficiently to be useful in a new environment. Other times, a tool has to be used less or exchanged for a different one.

This talk addresses several questions:

  • Why does the title say "safety" twice?

  • Why is "C/C++" an essential term to embrace, not avoid?

  • Is distinguishing "C vs C++" a True Scotsman problem?

  • What is recognizably "C++" as C++ continues to evolve?

  • Why hope for major improvement in C, C++, and C/C++?

Finally, the talk will also cover a few other updates about other C++ evolution (including reflection!) and from my personal ongoing experiment with my cppfront compiler.

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