How DLang Improves my Modern C++ and Vice Versa

By Mike Shah

The D programming language (DLang) is a multi-paradigm language (like C++) developed to solve real software engineering problems. DLang has a rich history since its inception in 2001, and continues to be an actively evolving memory-safe language used in industry. In this talk, I will discuss how learning and using the D language has directly benefited my use and learning of C++ and vice versa. We’ll look at the evolution of both C++ and Dlang, and see how each language has borrowed from each other during their most recent evolution in the past decade. Throughout the talk, I will provide side-by-side code comparisons showing idiomatic ways to complete tasks in D alongside C++ code examples. The goal of this talk however is not to pit one language against the other, but rather to show how to use each language to its strengths and learn how to become a better programmer. Audience members are expected to be familiar with Modern C++, but are not expected to have any prior D programming experience.

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