Khronos SYCL language framework for C++ Accelerators


Take advantage of all the MIPS

Have you ever wanted to take advantage of all the MIPS in your machine with one programming language?

Have you ever wanted to support any kind of offload devices in C++, be they FPGA, GPUs, matrix/tensors, or DSPs? Many people have by augmenting a SYCL compiler.

Have you wondered why US National Labs are choosing SYCL as a standard programming model for exascale computing? This is because they know maximum performance can be achieved with a combination of host and accelerator devices in any vendor combination, so they choose SYCL.

Khronos SYCL is a framework language built on top of Modern C. It is backed by an open standard in Khronos and enables ML frameworks and Standard C code on top of template libraries with lambda functions that have host and accelerate device code in a single source, but still enable separate compilation of host and device code. The device SYCL compiler may employ kernel fusion for better performance and the host CPU compiler can be any C compiler, from clang, GCC, VS C, or IBM XL compiler. Many people have built SYCL compiler additions to dispatch to any variety of devices very quickly, from students to academia, to industry. There are already a number of backends including CUDA, PTX, OpenMP, AMD, NEC, Huawei, Kokkos, Raja, and TBB in addition to OpenCL.

There are also many interesting use cases with complex modern C++. PyTorch, Blender, ray-tracing, Flashlight ML, Eigen and Tensorflow, Gromacs, and CERN’s ATLAS experiment for high energy physics.

This talk from members of the SYCL and C community will talk about highlighted features from the latest SYCL 2020 as related to ISO C. SYCL can serve even more Extreme Heterogeneity where Data Movement is still King. We also are entering the era of software and hardware Codesign with extreme Heterogeneity and SYCL can be a part of a standard programming model for all HPC, Embedded AI/ML, and Automotive

This talk will showcase these features and show how SYCL 2020 has increased expressiveness and simplicity for modern C++ heterogeneous programming.

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