Preparing for Professionalism in Programming

By Gail Ollis

A student perspective

The Software Engineering Culture module at the University of Portsmouth follows the model of preparation for a conference. The first assessment is submission of a bio and a selection of proposals to our 'call for papers'. The students act as the programme committee to choose the proposals they want to see. The final assessment is a presentation of the selected talk by each student. In this session you will learn more about how we run the module, and help influence what material we choose for the class of 2024. You will also hear one of the student talks from among the highest scoring proposals.

Software Engineering students take this module in the final year of their degree. They discover the profession and its practices through videos, articles and debate, preparing them to learn from other professionals, share their own knowledge and engage in informed debate.

We include the issues of inclusion & systemic inequality, and the burgeoning responsibility upon Software Engineers to recognise these problems in order to promote healthy work environments for all and design-out systemic inequality and exclusion.

These issues are among the topics whose evolution we examine in the history of the profession. We also look at the how practices and architecture have changed in order to help students learn from the past and look to the future of their careers.

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