ACCU 2022 Bristol Videos, Lightning Talks

Lightning Talk: A Book That Everybody Should READ

Lightning Talk: A Happy Little Accident

Lightning Talk: A Programmer: Still Growing

Lightning Talk: Beelzebub Has A Devil Put Aside For Me

Lightning Talk: Better Support for Emotive Programming in C++

Lightning Talk: Building Graphical Appliances Made Easy

Lightning Talk: Clacks - Sending Home A Tribute

Lightning Talk: co_pilot

Lightning Talk: Direct Aggregate Initialisation

Lightning Talk: Getting to ACCU

Lightning Talk: How lng is a Piece of String

Lightning Talk: How We Hired an Outstanding Junior Developer

Lightning Talk: Live Coding

Lightning Talk: MEAD!

Lightning Talk: Measuring The World

Lightning Talk: Moving an `int` Is Slow: Debug Performance Matters!

Lightning Talk: My Favorite Theorem: How Mathematics Can Surprise Us

Lightning Talk: My Thinking Is Not for Sale

Lightning Talk: Programming Puzzlers

Lightning Talk: Quantifying Dinosaur Pee

Lightning Talk: Running A Student Conference For 15 Years (Give Or Take)

Lightning Talk: Squid Game C++ Edition

Lightning Talk: Straw Man

Lightning Talk: The 5 Colour Theorem

Lightning Talk: This One's for my Mum

Lightning Talk: What Am I?

Lightning Talk: What Is The Connection Of A Scriber And An Interrupt Routine?

Lightning Talk: wordlexpr -- compile-time Wordle

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