ACCU 2021 Online Videos, Lightning Talks

Lightning Talk: How Writing Better Code Can Ruin Your Health and Career (or Not)

Lightning Talk: 100 Metres (Coding A Video Game In 5 Minutes!)

Lightning Talk: A Story of Failure During The Pandemic

Lightning Talk: Abstraction by the Rule of 10

Lightning Talk: Algorithm Selection

Lightning Talk: Applied Tuples

Lightning Talk: Auldlang

Lightning Talk: Cato the Elder

Lightning Talk: Dobble - More Than a Plane Game

Lightning Talk: Doing the Washing up With My Brother

Lightning Talk: Down the Rabbit Hole: How a Simple Upgrade Turned Into a Two Line Patch That Never Was

Lightning Talk: How (Not) to Start a Programming Blog

Lightning Talk: How to Write a Quine?

Lightning Talk: Indefinite Articles

Lightning Talk: IP Addresses: A Modest Proposal

Lightning Talk: Mir Possibilities

Lightning Talk: Shiroyama or What 19th Century Japan Can Tell Us About Modernization

Lightning Talk: Socrates, Plato, Aristotle & Kevlin

Lightning Talk: Soft and Fluffy Things

Lightning Talk: The Wrong Kind of Security

Lightning Talk: UFCC - Unified Function Call Completions

Lightning Talk: Unicorns

Lightning Talk: UX Study: The Outfit Picker From Clueless

Lightning Talk: What Will I Be When I Grow up?

Lightning Talk: Whitespace and the Weird Coding Style

Lightning Talks: C# v9.0 Records

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