Practical Applications of Complexity in Software & Digital Products Development

By Luca Minudel

These unusual times, of sudden change and uncertainty, remind of the relevance of Complexity in the modern organisations and work environment. This session presents examples and an overview of practices inspired by Complexity, to be employed every day in software and digital products development. It also outlines the landscape of Complexity inspired practices, organised in three major regions: the teams, the work to do, and the whole organisation. These practices provide a new means to gradually introducing our co-workers, our teams and our organisation to Complexity. They exemplify a new approach that consists of acting our way into the new Complexity thinking. This new approach shifts up-side-down the centre of gravity of the conversation around Complexity from the theory to the practice. It puts the practice front-and-centre. And it wants to engage hands-on practitioners and tinkerers. All the practices presented are based on social complexity and anthro-complexity. Therefore, they fully recognise the unique qualities of the human element. And that we are not algorithms, cellular automata, nor hives. Complexity science with Lean and Agile Software Development are the three pillars of modern ways of working. So this session is relevant to any serious Agile practitioner. This session is based on the new book Living Complexity. It is interactive and includes online activities and conversations.

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