C++11/14 at Scale - What Have We Learned?

By Vittorio Romeo

Many years have passed since the release of C++11 and C++14. These standards brought many new features and idioms to the C++ language and revitalized its community. Nowadays, with C++20 having one foot out the door, it is important to look back at the experience gained using C++11/14 at scale and re-evaluate their impact. <br/>

  • What have we learned from 8 years of using Modern C++ in production at a large-scale corporation?

  • What features were the most useful?

  • Which ones were the most misused?

From unexpected benefits/drawbacks to teachability issues, this talk will discuss the most significant consequences of embracing C++11 and C++14 in a company with thousands of engineers. With some healthy skepticism, commonly used features and idioms will be reassessed to uncover some unexpected pitfalls or qualities.

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