Lakos`20: The "Dam" Book is Done!

By John Lakos

Writing reliable and maintainable C++ software is hard. Designing such software at scale adds a new set of challenges. Large-scale systems require more than just a thorough understanding of the logical design concepts addressed in most popular texts. To be successful on an enterprise scale, developers must also address physical design, a dimension of software engineering that may be unfamiliar even to expert developers.

More than two decades in the making, Large-Scale C++, Volume I: Process and Architecture, is finally here! Drawing on his over 30 years of hands-on experience building massive, mission-critical enterprise systems, John Lakos — using select excerpts from this glisteningly new volume — elucidates the essential value of (and several techniques needed for) creating and growing hierarchical reusable software, a.k.a. Software Capital, as the foundation for developing C++ software at virtually unbounded scale.

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