Real Teams

By Henrik Berglund

In sports we have teams that win together, loose together and celebrate together. Team members depend on each other. Using their motivation they can make us gasp as they beat opponents with seemingly superior skills.

This is somewhat different from the type of "teams" a lot of companies have been using to develop software. Lately though, a lot of companies have been asking their people to work in some sort of self organizing agile team. This is a very similar idea to the sports team.

This session starts by examining why this major change is happening and then quickly moves on to show how you can make real teams a reality where you work. We will be covering a set of principles that, when put in place, pretty much guarantee that a real team will form. It does not matter if you are a developer, scrum master or a line manager. If you want to, you can make this happen.

You will leave with a set of ideas and tools that you can start applying right away at your workplace. The goal is that you will have more fun as you win, loose and create amazing products together as a team.

Audience: Developers, Scrum masters, managers, ...

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