The Art of Productive Laziness

By Peter Taylor

Progress isn't made by early risers. It's made by lazy men trying to find easier ways to do something. - Robert Heinlein

Learn about the art of productive laziness with The Lazy Project Manager; understanding what is meant by the 'productive lazy' approach to Projects (and life) and learn how to apply these lessons 'to be twice as productive and still leave the office early'. The session will cover the definition of productive laziness, the science behind the theory (yes there really is some), and will share some personal learning experiences that led to the creation of 'The Lazy Project Manager'. In addition the audience will be led through the three key project stages, one of which the 'lazy' project manager works very hard in and the second they should be in the comfortable position of enjoying the 'comfy chair' safe in the knowledge that the project is well under control.

A specific focus will be made on the third area, project closure, which can be done so much better with very little effort but with a significant value add for all 'would be' lazy project managers.

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