
A Special General Meeting has been called.

By Bob Schmidt

9 August 2023

A Special General Meeting (SGM) has been called for the purpose of electing a Secretary. The meeting will be held on September 10, 2023. More details will be forthcoming and will be found on the website's AGM page (login required).

Site Changes

By Bob Schmidt

24 July 2023

I have made several changes to the website in order to comply with new GDPR mandates.

The video pages no longer show thumbnails of the video; a generic image has been put in place temporarily. The same has happened with book covers in older reviews. I hope to be able to restore these images in the near future.

I also have had to change the default font for the website. The Roboto font has been replaced with either Helvetica, Arial, or your default san serif font, depending on your browser support. (Arial is most likely to be used.) If you see any problems with how a page has been rendered with your default san serif font, please let me know.

July's C Vu Journal has been published.

By Bob Schmidt

11 July 2023

The July 2023 ACCU C Vu journal has been published and should arrive at members' addresses in the next few days. C Vu 35-3 and previous issues of C Vu can be accessed via the Journals menu (ACCU members only). The ePub version also is available.

New magazine indexes are available.

By Bob Schmidt

9 June 2023

There are two new magazine indexes available on the site. 'By cover' indexes are available for Overload and C Vu. Both indexes are available from the Journals drop-down menu at the top of each page. Clicking on an image takes you to the issue's table of contents page. You must be logged in to access C Vu contents.

Please note that we don't have cover images for some of the older issues of the magazines. For those issues, a placeholder image is used. Hovering over the image will reveal the issue's publication number, and clicking on the placeholder will take you to the issue's table of contents.

If you have digital copies of any of the issues for which we have no covers, or a paper copy and access to a scanner, please consider emailing me an image file: Thank you.

June's Overload Journal has been published.

By Bob Schmidt

9 June 2023

The June 2023 ACCU Overload journal has been published and should arrive at members' addresses in the next few days. Overload 175 and previous issues of Overload can be accessed via the Journals menu. The ePub version is also available.

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