
February's Overload Journal has been published.

By Bob Schmidt

8 February 2021

The February 2021 ACCU Overload journal has been published and should arrive at members' addresses in the next few days. Overload 161 and previous issues of Overload can be accessed via the Journals menu.

2021 Annual General Meeting

By Robin Williams

25 January 2021

We will be holding the 33rd ACCU AGM as an online meeting at 4 pm (UK time) on 17 April 2021.

Other important dates related to the AGM:

16 February 2021 Nominations/Proposal deadline
6 March 2021 Draft Agenda made available
20 March 2021 Final Agenda confirmation (and arrangements for attendance)
27 March 2021 Online voting opens

As usual, all posts are up for election. Any member can run for any post. If you are interested in standing for election to one of the committee posts, please contact me at, or any other committee member.

Current committee roles and members can be found here.
Short descriptions of the posts and roles can be found here.
(Login is required to access both links.)

Schedule Announced for ACCU 2021.

By Bob Schmidt

19 January 2021

The schedule for ACCU 2021 is now online!

To view the conference schedule please click here.

With up to a 50% discount on our usual fees in light of the conference being virtual, don't delay - get your ticket here today.

(Early registration discounts end at 23:59 UTC on 16th February, 2021.)

January's C Vu Journal has been published.

By Bob Schmidt

14 January 2021

The January 2021 ACCU C Vu journal has been published and should arrive at members' addresses in the next few days. C Vu 32-6 and previous issues of C Vu can be accessed via the Journals menu (ACCU members only).

ACCU 2021 Registration is now open.

By Bob Schmidt

29 December 2020

Registration for ACCU 2021 is now open!

For any delegates who deferred their registration from 2020, we will be in touch in the New Year to discuss any adjustments to your existing booking as a result of the event being fully virtual. Thank you for your support, and we look forward to ‘seeing’ you at ACCU 2021!

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